6. A Piece Of Jerova

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After the recent event in her bedroom, Rogue thought it odd to find herself back in the field from her dream with that strange cloaked figure a few days ago. She wore the pearly white robes with the rose embroidered pattern. She wished she knew where the dress came from. The trees were scattered few and far between. The grass was long and in need of a cut. It was very quiet; there was no sign of life at all that Rogue could see.

"What am I doing here?" She asked herself, Oh Scenrio, what's going to happen here? Rogue patted her dress down, These robes are very pretty, she thought. She summoned power, her hands started to glow. She could feel a white light flow through her veins and under her robes, wrapping her arms in white shining beams, ready to be used.

Rogue noticed a figure appear leaning against a tree a hundred yards away. The figure looked very familiar, "Greg!" She shouted. She ran towards the tree, towards Greg. As Rogue got closer, Greg slumped against the tree into what looked like just a large pile of rags. There was a movement to the left. Rogue took her eyes of Greg for a second, when she looked back her friend had vanished. He had disappeared as if he was not even there in the first place, "Greg!" She shouted again. No one replied.

Rogue turned around to walk back to nowhere. She hit a dark cloaked figure shape and stumbled backwards. The cloaked man from her previous dream stood directly in front of her, once again facing away from her.

"H-hello, wh-what do you want?" Rogue forced the words out. She could no longer feel the flow of the white magic.

There was a long pause before he or it replied, "The enemy is coming. Warn the others before it is too late."

"What enemy?" Asked Rogue frantically.

"The enemy. The destruction of everything you hold dear," the cloaked figure began to fade.

"Wait!" Called Rogue. The cloaked figure had already gone.

Rogue awoke. The sun shone brightly despite the chilly air. Kirsten was still fast asleep in the chair, Just a dream, she thought as she climbed out of her newly fixed bed to wash and dress, Kirsten looks peaceful, I think I'll leave her there for now, Rogue left the room. The potion still sat on the table in the middle of a very clean room. Her staff still leant against the wall, near the slightly open window 'catching the wind.' The previous night's event now seemed like a distant memory.

* * *

Monday came quickly. The students filled the school, ready for their long week back before the next weekend. Greg shared his first study with Rogue and Chad. It was called 'The Scientific World.' It was one of Rogue's favourite subjects, that and 'The Historic World' on Tuesdays. Chad did not really know the difference between the two; both delved into the past of Jerova. He was not very keen on the tutor for the science lesson. The tutor, Mr Vian, always tried to get him to volunteer in scientific experiments. He guessed that Mr Vian would operate on him for scientific research if given just half a chance because of his fire abilities.

The science room was brightly lit with one wall being just a row of large windows, from floor to ceiling. The rest of the room was made of a solid metal structure with smaller windows scattered across the walls, two at a time. Inside, the desks were made of solid oak wood. Most were damaged by previous experiments; all had washbasins attached to them. Hygiene was very important in this room.

Mr Vian stood smartly at the front of the class next to a large whiteboard. He was tall with a slightly ageing large gut. His hair was combed neatly to either side. He had high cheekbones and a pointy nose. He wore very odd looking clothes, a jacket over a shirt and a piece of cloth knotted around his neck, something he called a tie. His trousers were smartly pressed and his shoes were polished to great detail.

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