20. Acceptance

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After the events in the village the day before, Todd Brown found it hard to get acceptance from his father. Derrell always knew deep down his rebellious son was different, but he did not expect him to be a spellcaster. Todd decided to leave the village for a little while and make his own way in the woods. He realised his father needed time, and space, to adjust to his son's new found powers. It was difficult for them to be in the same room together after the fight they had the night before. With sword strapped to his back and magic now at his disposal, Todd thought spending two nights on his own would give his father the space he needed and it would be a decent challenge for himself. Todd walked north away from the village and away from the city. He knew the area well. After a few hours, he found himself in the familiar territory of the feral girl.

Todd braced himself; it was well known that the child had wolves and all sorts of strange creatures for her protection, which Todd knew from experience. A twig snapped in the distance, "Jun," he said quietly. He knew she would not be that careless if it was her. He unsheathed his sword and held it out ready. From nowhere a strong wind appeared and pulled the sword from his grasp and threw it into the air. The blade dug deep into the mud as the sword hit the ground. Todd moved to pull it out but a long wooden spear struck the ground between him and the sword. He turned and faced the direction of the thrown spear. Before he could blink, a sharp kick caught him in the chest. He fell to the floor gasping for air.

"What are you doing here, Todd Brown?" Asked Jun. She crouched over him, pinning him down while on all fours.

"I'm not here to fight, Jun," gasped Todd.

"Then why are you here?" She kept a tight grip around his arms so he could barely move.

"I'm leaving the village for a few days," replied Todd, "I had a fight with my father, I wanted to get away. Get off me, Jun!" He coughed loudly.

She considered it for a moment and then pushed harder on his chest to pounce into the air. Jun did a flip and landed on all fours again. She climbed onto a nearby fallen tree and sat like a large cat, ready to listen.

"I'm a spellcaster, Jun, I can do magic," said Todd.

Jun could see the distress in his eyes, "A spellcaster? Like me?"

"Yes, exactly. You know how my family feel about spellcasters."

"I see he let those two spellcasters go yesterday unharmed," said Jun matter-of-factly.

"My father isn't a murderer," replied Todd.

"He's tried to kill me," said Jun plainly.

"Yes, but you do give him grief and steal our chickens."

"And lamann," Jun pointed out.

Todd smiled and nodded. It amazed him how Jun Avi was brought up by wolves but kept so many human characteristics. It frightened him a bit that she was capable of killing with her square human teeth.

"So what are you going to do now? I've been over the wall. It's a nice place," said Jun.

"You've been over the wall?" Asked Todd shockingly.

"Their security isn't as good as you might think. I've watched the people work and do what they do. A small child could rob from their stores. You forget, I move through the shadows, spy on the unexpected."

Todd felt uneasy about that, "I can't go there. My home is in here, like you. The city is no place for me."

"That is your choice, Todd Brown," said Jun, "Only you can decide your future."

"Hey Jun, whatever happened to the good old days when we used to sneak away and play by the river?"

"Those days were destroyed when your father attacked my mother and her cubs," replied Jun coldly. she walked over to him on two legs, "I'm sorry, Todd. You have the gift, just like me. Where your future takes you is now down to you," she kissed him on the lips. She turned and started running through the woods, weaving between the trees and effortlessly jumping over large rocks. She jumped onto all fours and continued running until she was out of sight.

Todd watched her go then contemplated his own next move. The history he had with Jun danced around in his mind, her voice directed him towards the city. He knew then that he would not see her again for a long time.

To Be Continued...

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