13. The Fire Within II

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Despite witnessing the mass panic outside in the streets only moments ago, the evening seemed quiet to Rogue. She was afraid, just like the others sat in Greg's room. No one wanted to speak.

Greg still lay in bed, battered and bruised from his ambush earlier that day. Luci sat in the chair next to him, although she did not pay him much attention. Chad sat with Kirsten on a two-seater chair. He was still flicking one of the bronze coins he had found, it was glowing with heat as he had held it for so long. Rogue took up her favourite place on the large windowsill, 'Catching the wind.'

It was Chad who broke the ice first, he hated long silences, "You still want to try and get into those woods, Rogue?"

"You are not serious about still going are you?" Asked Greg sitting up. Luci barely looked up to see her brother stir.

"I think I need to," replied Rogue.

"It's too dangerous. You cannot go there while everyone else is out of the city, fighting," responded Greg.

"We'll be fine. I ain't scared of anything in those woods," said Chad proudly.

"They won't let you out. Security will have doubled at the gates by now," said Greg, "I won't let you go. The Elites will be looking for you."

"You wouldn't tell them idiots," protested Chad.

"I will if I have to."

"Sorry, Greg, but what if we are supposed to find it before the battle? You were more determined than anybody to find this Guardian. The stranger in my dream said I must find the Lumis before they attack," said Rogue anxiously.

"In seven days he said. He has clearly got that bit wrong for a start. A war will start tomorrow. Do you really want to risk your life further?" Said Greg aggressively. He was beginning to irritate Rogue now, she wondered how Chad must have been feeling, "It's my choice, Greg. We are going whether you agree to it or not," she replied stubbornly.

"Tell them, Kirsten," said Greg desperately.

Kirsten looked up, she tried to stay out of this conversation, "It is up to them to decide what they must do for the best. I am helping in the med unit tomorrow for the injured."

Greg turned to his sister, "Luci?" He asked.

"I might go with them," she mused.

"No you bloody well are not!" Replied Greg and Rogue together.

"Well that's something we've agreed on," laughed Chad.

Greg ignored Chad's remark, "I don't want any of you going."

"These aren't children's games anymore, Greg. You're not playing leader now," said Rogue.

"How do you hope to get over the walls? The gates will be closed now," asked Luci curiously.

"There must be someway out," replied Rogue, "A secret passageway somewhere."

"I doubt there is. These walls are solid and very thick. All exits were closed off years ago," answered Greg.

"What do you suggest then?" Asked Rogue.

"Me? I'm not suggesting anything. I think you are better off staying inside the walls where it is safe."

"Why can't you be on our side? We could really use your help," said Chad uncomfortably. He was unsure whether he really did just ask for someone's help.

"I'm not going anywhere. Malk will probably need me tomorrow morning. Perhaps you and Rogue should volunteer to help someone like Kirsten has, since the school will be closed," Greg almost demanded they volunteer.

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