9. The Trees Sparkle

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On the borderline of Uprin sat vast miles of desert. It had the hottest climate in all of Jerova. Volcanic magma was at its highest point and even cracked through Earthelle's crust in some parts. The land here was crumbling; many people believed it was because of the heavy weight of sorcery and war. The people of Uprin blamed both sources and were against all forms of magic.

A small squad of soldiers took refuge in a barn house outside one small village. They were returning home to Souvanence away from the war behind them. Captain Xuri led Major Britton, Sergeant Mori, Corporals' Turner and Radcliffe, and five privates', Riley, Brown, Murray, Claudio and Maldon. They were remnants of a larger unit, ambushed over a week ago, a day before they were due leave.

It had taken a lot to convince a farmer of wasteland to lend his barn to ten beaten soldiers for one night. The farmer would not give his name to the 'children of war,' as they were known in Uprin, for fear they might brag about his hospitality. In exchange for one night on hard wooden beams, the farmer set them all chores to do.

The soldiers were set to dig up potatoes and other dry vegetables from the rocky cracked dirt, and clean the unhealthy, retired animals and their pens. All without the aid of magic. It had been this way since leaving Dekra. Farm after farm of sorcery loathing occupants taking advantage of their physical strength.

"Do not worry about it troops. Another week and we'll be sipping wine at the Summer's River inn and relaxing in a nice hot bath, surrounded by beauty," said Xuri as he sat on his split wooden support beam scrapping mud from his boots.

"For you guys maybe," laughed Mori, she was one of just only three women left in the squad.

The ten warriors all wore the standard iron armour under dirt-covered robes. The robes were dark green, the colour of the Hunters. A name given to them by the Elites when they were the ones setting the ambush. Golden stripes across the chest marked them out in order of rank.

Captain Xuri bore greasy curly blond hair in desperate need of a strong wash, "I'm sure Turner and Claudio would not disagree, right ladies?"

Turner and Claudio both looked up and nodded.

"I'm still looking for my well groomed man to walk into any place where I may be sitting," said Claudio. Her hair was short, straight and blonde; she had little resemblance to her short aunty teaching at the Souvanence school. Her eyes were pale blue and she wore a battle scar down her right cheek.

"Me and Darren will look at many beautiful things together, won't we honey?" Replied Turner.

"Yes, of course," replied Britton slowly.

"I can't wait to meet the family," said Turner brushing her long red hair. She watched Major Britton close with deep blue eyes. Darren Britton was studying a small container of black liquid. He resembled his younger sister, Kirsten, in every way. His eyes were a very dark brown and his short hair was equally as dark. He had the same shaped small nose and mouth.

"What's wrong, Major?" Asked the Captain, "You look down."

"I'm fine, sir, just the thought of being so close to home I guess."

"What's in your hand?" Asked Mori.

"What, this?" Replied Britton holding up the vile, "This is a deadly potion I found on those orcs we saw three days ago. I'm bringing it back as a present for my sis."

"You're giving her a deadly potion?" Asked Radcliffe.

"She loves that stuff," Xuri answered for Britton, "Right, Major?"

"Right, I think she would like to study it," replied Britton.

"What are you going to do when you get back home, Brown?" Asked Xuri.

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