7. A Stranger's Secret Weapon

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Chad was greeted by Headmistress Avforin as he walked into the music room. He half hoped that she would not be able to make it due to an appointment or something. No such luck for him. Chad nodded and went straight to the piano. The Headmistress still sat at the tutor's desk. She was reading a letter, but Chad could not make out what it said or who it was from. Apart from the initial hello, Avforin did not acknowledge the young mage at all. Chad played a note on the piano; still the Headmistress did not look up at him again.

Chad sighed and sat silently, This feels like detention, he thought dryly.

"Right then, shall we make a start?" Avforin said suddenly making Chad jump, "I'm sorry, Chad. I just assumed that because you were three minutes late, you were in no rush to get started."

"Sorry I'm late. Here now though ain't I?" Said Chad sarcastically, "What's that you're reading?" He asked.

Avforin stood up and walked away from the desk, "This is of no real concern to you," she said pocketing the letter, "Now then, play me a song. Let's see your progression."

Chad placed his hands on the keys and began playing 'City on the water,' another sea song. It sometimes disturbed him that he liked so much to do with the ocean. Music, sea serpents; he could probably think of a few more.

Once he had finished the Headmistress applauded him, "Well done, Mr Wizardman. I'm glad you still find an interest in music," she sat next to him at the piano. He played the same song again, after a short while she joined in. They played together until the song came to an end.

"How do you feel, Chad?" Asked Avforin.

"I feel fine, my day has been ok," replied Chad.

"You do not feel any tension then?"

"No, I don't."

The Headmistress played again. Chad was unsure if he should have joined in or not. He was just about to then she spoke again, "I feel tense. I received some disturbing news today."

Chad looked at her, unsure if he wanted to hear what she was about to say, "How so?" He asked unwillingly.

Avforin watched him, unsure whether she should talk to him about it. She stopped playing the piano, "One of our own units have been lost inside enemy territory. I fear it may be too late for them."

Chad wanted to sympathise but he could not. That was part of war, and there was nothing he could do about it while playing a piano.

"Do you remember an Elite called Veeko?"

One of Greg's idols, thought Chad, "Yes," he mumbled.

"He was leading the squad. He was a close friend of mine and the school," Headmistress Avforin almost felt a tear come to her eye.

Chad did not know what to say. He always knew the Headmistress as a strong woman, one hard to crack. But he did remember Veeko coming to the school on regular occasions. He came to promote his work and tell tales of his adventures. Chad could still remember when Greg first signed up for initial training for the ESS over two years ago. It was Veeko who signed Greg's acceptance letter and then asked Chad if he wanted to join.

Greg will be devastated when he finds out, thought Chad. He was unaware that the Headmistress was still talking.

"...My point is Chad. Do not get emotionally involved when you take your first steps into battle. It is a complicated thing. You must always be strong. It is you I think, that will take Veeko's place in destroying Lucrece."

"Me? But I'm not even an Elite!" Replied Chad shockingly.

"You do not have to be an Elite to be a leader. Chad I know you have little faith in the prophecy, I do as well. You will hear these words often before your time is done; there are no coincidences, only fate sets our paths."

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