10. A Warning

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Rogue knew she was dreaming this time. She was standing in the same field again. Her clothes were unchanged from what she wore that day. Rogue really hoped the ivory rose robes would return. She waited for the cloaked man to appear again. She hoped he would, she wanted to ask him questions that she prayed he would answer. Wondering if she would see her friends again in this dream, she thought about them, Kirsten, Greg... Chad. The wind picked up all around her; it began pulling at her arms, trying to guide her feet. Rogue decided to let it carry her and followed the pull to her left.

Rogue passed tree after tree. The grass, the surrounding few trees and hedgerows did not seem to change. Many far off in front did not get any closer either as she walked. The wind warmed up in temperature; Rogue thought it was strange, but it was a dream after all.

The dream world looked peaceful. The scenery did not change much but Rogue felt safe there in the lonely field, like all the dangers of the real world had just simply disappeared. The wind around her became hotter. The temperature raised with each step she took.

"Rogue, there you are," said a voice. Chad's voice.

Rogue turned, Chad faced her wearing a pure black robe. Fire exploded in front of her face. She ducked for cover. A second passed and she looked up again. No one was there. Chad had disappeared, the fire gone completely, the wind became mild again.

Rogue stood and turned frantically in every direction trying to find her friend, "What happened there?" She asked herself puzzled, "Did he have black hair?"

Rogue took a deep breath. She tried to feel the wind but it had gone. She wondered if she should turn around and go back the other way. The field seemed empty in the direction she faced. Although, by the landscape, she could not tell which way she had been walking.

"Hello!" Called Rogue desperately. She was beginning to think that no one was going to show again this time, Why do the others keep appearing here? She thought. None of it was making any sense now.

Rogue turned around, any direction was as good as any other in this place, she started to walk. Directly ahead of her stood a tall tree, its leaves were brighter than any other tree around and she could not remember seeing it before.

A flicker of movement made her heart skip a beat. Rogue felt for the wind, it came lightly, like a cool summer breeze. She realised then that it had always been summer in her dreams despite it being late winter in the real world.

Rogue felt the wind dance around her, she held onto it. She was disappointed to see that the dress did not come back, not yet anyway. She jogged to the tree; once she reached it, the wind picked up force and danced merrily through her clothes and skin. No one was at the tree. Rogue sighed, she spun round and jumped back in horror.

The man in the black cloak was standing only five paces in front of her.

"H-hello," said Rogue nervously. She summoned the wind to her palms, ready to defend herself although knew it was unnecessary.

"You have one week, Rogue," said the cloaked figure, "They are coming and they will destroy."

"Who? Who is coming? You've got to tell me!" Cried Rogue desperately, "Who are you?"

"The darkness threatens the Guardian, you must protect the Guardian."

"Who is the Guardian?" Asked Rogue.

"They are bringing the darkness with them. Its shadow is all that stands in the way of the Guardian's power."

"Who are they?"

The cloaked figure did not answer.

"Will you tell me who you are?"

"I do not have a true name or form," the cloaked figure turned to face Rogue.

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