8. So Begins The Hunt

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For Rogue, Tuesdays always seemed to go faster than other days. The historic lesson she shared with Chad and Kirsten was almost over. It only seemed like twenty minutes ago when she was back at home brushing her teeth. Rogue listened intently to their tutor, Mr Collinson, while watching Chad desperately trying to keep his eyes open.

"...That is why Federitch couldn't sign the peace treaty all those years ago," said Mr Collinson. His voice was dull, which made lessons very boring to Chad. Mr Collinson was short for a sorcerer. He had short light brown hair, a pointy nose and pale skin. He wore old grey robes and brown-rimmed glasses. His popularity with the young mages did not reach further than the intelligent ones trying to do well.

"Does anyone else have anymore questions before I continue?" Asked Mr Collinson looking round the dimly lit room. No one volunteered to speak, "Right then, 'The conflict continues...' I want to see everyone's finished essay on the Scenrio-Yatzili conflict two weeks today please. No delay."

The classroom emptied quickly before the tutor had even given them permission. "Remember, two weeks please," he said as he watched them walk out of the door.

The majority still in the room replied, "Yes, sir," before trying to get out as quickly as possible.

Outside of the classroom Chad walked alongside Rogue and Kirsten.

"What you guys up to now then?" He asked.

"I've got to go meet Greg for a private chat," replied Rogue, "I will see you two later," she walked ahead of them waving goodbye.

"That leaves you, Kirst, what are your plans?"

"I'm free until my potions class later," replied Kirsten, almost too eagerly.

"That's good news. Come on, let's go wind up some third years or something," smiled Chad putting an arm around her.

"Ok, I suppose," she replied. They walked together down the corridor, the way Rogue left them for.

* * *

Greg was waiting in the courtyard for Rogue. It did not look much different from the weekend's tournament; it was still full of students walking in various directions. He saw Rogue come out of the main door and immediately ushered her back inside following her quickly, "Let's talk somewhere more privately," said Greg leading her through a crowd of students by the arm. Rogue nodded and followed. They went out another door that led to a small patch of grass and a bench almost hidden by trees.

"There's no one here," said Rogue as she stepped onto the grass behind Greg.

"Good," replied Greg, "We can sit down."

"Something is disturbing you also, Greg," said Rogue as they sat on the hidden bench. She had noticed that he did not look at her once since he first spotted her in the courtyard, "You didn't look too good yesterday either."

"I have received what could be devastating news. I'm sorry but I do not wish to talk about it right now," he replied sadly.

"That's ok, Greg. I understand."

"So anyway, what did you want to talk about, Rogue?"

Rogue put a reassuring hand on his knee. She hoped his news would not be that bad when he was ready to tell, "I've been having a re-occurring dream."

"What sort of dream?" Asked Greg curiously.

"A man in a cloak. I cannot see his face but I think he is trying to warn me of something," she closed her eyes trying to picture her dream.

"Warn you about what?" Greg watched her now.

"He tells me to warn the others. They are coming..." Rogue paused.

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