11. The Fire Within I

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After what seemed like another long and pointless lesson with Mrs Claudio. Chad wanted nothing more than to run from the school and go straight round to see Greg. He and Rogue had only just found out about the mass ambush and it pained Chad to find out his best friend was being attacked while he let his temper get the better of him again.

They had ninety minutes until their tactics class with Mr Petra; a tutor that since last week, Chad had also grown a dislike to. Rogue sprinted down the corridor with Chad following closely behind. The way was clear and Rogue could see the exit getting closer. She forced herself through the door. Chad had almost made it when a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. He saw the door close itself and lock. Rogue was still running when the door closed on him. Had she not noticed?

Chad turned his head to see Headmistress Avforin standing over him.

"Not so fast, Mr Wizardman," the Headmistress pulled him back before letting go, "We're going to have a little chat," a door appeared in the wall. The Headmistress led Chad by the waist.

"What did I do this time?" Asked Chad frustrated, "I need to be somewhere."

"Do not worry about your friend. Mr Thornton is quite alright."

They stepped into a large room. There were hundreds of filing cabinets lined up against each wall and an oversized desk sat at the far side. The walls were made of brick and there were two large circular windows behind the desk overlooking the two towers, Scenrio and Yatzili. An odd looking small tree grew in the centre of the room twenty paces between them and the desk. It was the head's office, currently occupied by Avforin.

"I always wondered where this place was," said Chad staring past the tree and out of the window showing the house of Yatzili.

"The door to my office can be found by anyone who needs it within the school grounds. Now please, take a seat."

Chad walked the forty-foot pace to the desk and sat down opposite the Headmistress, eyeing her suspiciously, "Will this take long? I want to go see Greg."

A glass of fruit juice appeared in front of him but he did not look at it.

"Drink," said Avforin coolly.

Chad drank reluctantly and put the glass back down with force.

There was a long pause before she spoke again, "What are we going to do, Chad Wizardman?"

"Sorry?" Asked Chad not understanding the question.

"Your head seems to be in many places at once."

"I'm still not following."

"Just a few hours ago you had another small temper outbreak. I do not know why, and I suspect you do not know yourself either."

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again," Chad tried to say it like he meant it.

"This is serious, Chad. We have talked about this over and over again."

"What do you want me to do? I can't control the way I feel."

"Play the piano. Try relaxing and don't get so worked up about everything," Avforin stood up out of her chair and walked to the nearest filing cabinet. She took a folder from the top draw and sat back down.

"I play that bloody thing nearly everyday now," said Chad watching the folder.

Avforin raised an eyebrow towards him, "This is what our talks are about. You've got to learn to control your feelings," she opened the folder and began writing notes.

"Do we really have to talk about this now. I would like to go and see Greg."

"I'm afraid not, Chad. You have more important matters to attend to."

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