12. Return Home

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Following the incident earlier that day, Kelsic already knew she was in for bad news when the voice of one of her contacts, Bleu Elling, approached her in the air. Kelsic had been waiting to find out what may have pushed a large army of goblenites so far north. More so than any movements the Demon Lord, Lucrece, might be making.

Kelsic sat alone in her study. The desk in front of her was piled high with dusty old books many that were too big to carry. The floor around her was also piled up with books, most of these were centuries old. Kelsic was reading a scroll, it was an ancient letter written by one of Lizac's protectors, Morgan Storbri. The scroll contained very little information of use to Kelsic. It was no more than a love letter from a man that had lived and died through just a hundredth of her own lifetime.

"Still pondering the greatest of mysteries?" Bleu's voice was sudden and very quick. It did not startle Kelsic at all, even though she was not expecting her voice to come so soon.

"Do you come with news? If not, I am in no mood to talk," responded Kelsic.

"That's not a very nice way to talk to me, after everything I do for you," replied Bleu's voice.

"Yes, I know you already have done too much to help my fight. Today however, will not bring a friendly conversation unless you can tell me why my friend and a young man was ambushed in broad daylight."

"It seems the darkness is invading you as well as the war to your South."

"Don't give me that nonsense, have you got answers or not?" Fumed Kelsic.

"It appears the Imphatus were forced from their homes. Many were taken as slaves to do the War Lord's bidding. The goblenites as you know them, attacked on pure desperation. They fear a lot more than what your swords offer them."

"A war lord? Are you sure of this?" Asked Kelsic.

"I am quite certain, Imphatus are not usually scared out of their homes," replied the voice.

"Who? Is it one of Lucrece's?"

"I have no name. You must be cautious. Only Scenrio knows the path set out by the Demon Lord."

"Can you send aid? We may need it. There are many here who are not ready to face a war lord's wrath. Others I fear would join as well as fenf off the darkness."

"Relax, dear friend," said Bleu's voice calmly, "Souvanence is in no immediate danger. I have foreseen many possible futures. Earthelle as you know it, will pay kindly to the magic of Scenrio's homeland."

"You mean there is not going to be a full on attack?" Asked Kelsic sceptically.

"No army is that reckless. Your defences may be weaker than most, but the fear of Scenrio's power still keeps the darkness at bay."

"I know one who is that reckless, and he'll have half the city at his feet before death takes him."

"The one you speak of could not possibly make it this far to your North without being stopped. Not even with the thousands at his command," replied Bleu's voice.

"So you do not know what threatens the goblenites?" Asked Kelsic, she was beginning to get annoyed with the lack of information.

"If you need to know more, try asking someone a bit closer to home. I am sure the Lord of the woods would be experiencing troubles like yours since he dwells between you and your Dekra."

"He is unavailable at the present time. Woodland fires again I presume. I do not think they are connected."

"Perhaps," replied Bleu's voice coolly.

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