Comforting Dice

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Enjoy anxietysistuh123 

"No one was talking," Dice says. You  and the gang are at Sam and Cat's apartment watching the debut of their commercial. It's currently 2:35am.  

The following day, Dice and you were hanging out with Sam and Cat while they babysit a plant. They don't actually do that, but one of their neighbors asked them to do it, so they did. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. 

"Hi. We're looking for Sam and Cat's super rockin funtime babysitting service," a middle aged looking man with black hair and a blue button up shirt said. Accompanying him is a blonde hair girl around your age in a purple shirt and a middle aged woman with blond hair that is curled at the bottom. 

"Sure come on in." Dice says. 

"Hi. Do you what us to babysit this .. um little girl?" Cat ask. 

"I don't need a babysitter. I'm here for my dog." She says. 'Ugh a brat.' you think. 

"What dog?" you ask.

"The dog that was in your stupid commercial last night." The mom spits. 

"Um no that's my dog." Dice stands. 

"No that's my dog. Cornelius." The blond haired girl steps forward. Dice calls for Opi and Opi comes running into Dice's arm. 

"Your dog? I'll have you know that Dice has had this dog- How long have you had Opi baby?" You ask Dice. 

"6 months." 

"That's the same exact time Cornelius went missing." The blond haired girl draws out the name Cornelius, "Cornelius and I compete every year in the dog dancing competition." 

"Anyways. Dice has had Opi for 6 months and taken very good care of him. Something you probably haven't done. That's probably why he went missing." You say to the girl's face. 

"Do you wanna go?" The blond haired girl ask getting up in your face. 

"Gladly," You says has start to tie your hair back, but Sam runs up and holds you back. 

Dice proceeds to solve the problem by placing Opi in the middle of the room. Opi runs to Dice. 

"We'll be back in 24 hours with a court order and a policeman." The man says. 

"Then you'll be forced to return our dog." The woman says. They leave. Dice takes off running too. 

"DICE!" You yell running after him. You spot him underneath a tree having a panic attack. 

"Dicey. It's gonna be okay." You approach Dice slowly so as not to scare him. 

"No it's not. My dog is gonna be taken away." Dice runs his hands through his hair. His breathing is shallow and he has tears falling down his cheeks. 

"Shh! Breathe slowly Dicey. Here,' You gently place Dice's hand on your chest while you breathe in and out slowly. Dice does the same thing. You wipe his tears away. 

"Thank you princess," Dice smiles. 

"It's no problem at all. I just want you to be happy." You say. 

"Also thank you for defending Opi and I back there." 

"Of course. I love you and Opi very much. I love you more though." 

I hope you enjoy this @anxietysistuh123 I may make a part two where they go and get  the other dog and watch the dog show. I hope you guys are having a happy new year. Tomorrow is my 21st birthday! I may also continue my holiday chapters even though it's not the holiday's anymore. 

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