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Key: Y/N=Your Name. This will be in second person

You woke up so happy for the last day of school, but something didn't feel right. Usually when you wake up, Dice would've already texted you or texted you as soon as you woke up, but he didn't.

You constantly checked your phone at breakfast.
"Y/N! Put your phone down." Your mom scolds you. You put it away, but without one last check. 'I hope he's okay.' You think.

At school, you see Dice and Y/BFF talking. You say hi to them, but they don't respond. You say it again, louder this time, but they still don't respond. You walk away with your head down.

The rest of the day is a bust. You sat alone at lunch and watched Dice and Y/BFF laugh it up at another table. At the end of the day, you finally get the confidence to confront them.

"Why aren't you guys talking to me anymore?" You shout at them at Dice's locker.
"Because," Dice slams his locker shut, "we don't like you anymore."
"What? I didn't do anything to you guys! Why are you acting this way?!" You shout with tears in your eyes.
"Like Dice said "we don't like you anymore." Now leave us alone." Y/BFF says walking away. Dice walks away too.

You wake up in a cold sweat and shaking a little. You look over at your clock and the time read 3:00AM in green LED lighting. You pull out your phone and call Dice.

"Hello?" Dice questions. His sleepy voice sounds sexy to you.
"Hey..." you say, sounding a little scared.
"Y/N? What are you doing up so late?"
"I had a nightmare."
"Do you want to talk about it?"Dice ask.
"Yeah. In it you and y/BFF stopped talking to me and said that you guys don't like me anymore." You sadly say.
"Aww buttercup. I could never not like you and even if we break up, you'll always have me as a friend." Dice reassures you.
"I promise. Now do you want to stay up and chat, FaceTime, or go back to sleep?"
"Can we FaceTime until I fall asleep?"
"Of course buttercup."

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