Adventures in Babysitting

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Key: Second person. Y/N= YOUR NAME.

"Sam calm down. We'll be there in 5." Dice sighs.

"What's wrong Dicey?" You ask, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Sam and Cat need help babysitting." Dice and you walk over to their apartment. When Cat opens the door, it's a hot mess. Toys are everywhere, kids are running around, screaming and Sam is waving a wooden spoon.

"What happened?" you ask as you step over a toy dump truck.

"Mr. and Mrs. Pad are paying us twenty dollars a hour per kid to watch their four kids: Tom Robbie, Kieara, and Sarah while they spend the day together, but they're a hand full." Cat says.

"Okay. Well how about this- KIDS! Sit! NOW!" You shout. All four of them sit on the couch and stare up at you.

"Now, who wants to hear a story about a princess?"

"EWW! Princesses are gross." Tom says making a yuck face.

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I'm hungry!" Robbie whines.

"Lets go to bots." Sam suggest.

Bots is a restaurant where the waiters are robots. It's pretty cool and futuristic. The kids are having a good time eating their chicken tenders, milkshakes, and fries.

"I'm so glad they have calmed down." Sam says lying her head down on the table. After bots, you guys decide to go back to the apartment. Things are going so great, the kids are playing with their toys and drawing pictures. Cat got hot, so while we weren't looking she opened the front door and the kids ran away.

"CAT!" Sam shouts frustratingly.

"What? I got hot." Cat says.

"That's why we have windows and AC!"

"Well the AC makes me too cold and a bird could fly in through the window."

"UGH!" Sam plops down on the couch.

"Okay. Instead of getting mad at each other, lets go look for them." Dice says. You guys leave the apartment in search of the kids.





"Ugh. We won't find them."

"How about we go to elderly acres? Maybe Nona has seen them." Cat suggest.

"Why would kids want to go to a home for the elderly?" Sam ask annoyed.

"To get fresh baked cookies and hear stories."

Sam sighs in annoyance. A guy with a gruff bread and neutral colored clothing comes up to you guys.

"Hi Herb." Cat waves at the man

"Hey. Do you guys want to see my new boat?"

"No." Sam says annoyed. Dice gets a call from Goomer, so you all run over to Punchie's gym.

"Hey Goomer." You all say.

"Guys you won't believe it! Four kids just came running in here and they pushed me down." Goomer says looking down as he says the last part.


"Yeah... unless they were elves, but they didn't have pointy ears."

"Do you know which way they went?"

"Yeah. That way... or was it that way. I don't know." You all run off in pairs looking for the kids. Dice and you find Tom and Robbie at the grocery store driving around in the motorized cart. By the time you both got back to Sam and Cat's apartment, Kieara and Sarah still weren't able to be found.

"Guys. The Pad's will be back in a hour and we still don't know where Kieara and Sara are!" Sam exclaims.

"I'm sure we'll find them. Sam and Cat stay here. Y/N and I will go out and look for Kieara and Sarah." Dice says grabbing your hand. You guys search high and low for the two girls, but couldn't find them.

"How about we check the pet store?" You suggest.

"Couldn't hurt. We've got 10 minutes." Dice and you speed to the pet store. You find Kieara and Sarah in the baby turtles section.

"Thank goodness we found you." You says relieved as you grab both of their hands.

"But the baby turtles!" Kieara and Sarah cry.

Do you guys see what I did there? Kieara. Sarah. Baby Turtles. OUTER BANKS! HAHAHA.

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