Teen Pregnancy- Adoption

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REQUESTED BY: @SunnySister16

All the chapters will have the same beginning, however the ending's will be different.

Hi guys. I will be writing 3 chapters on teen pregnancy. One where they have an abortion, one where they choose adoption and one where they keep the baby. You don't have to read all of them, just read the read one that aligns with your beliefs. I for one am Pro-Choice, so that's why I'm writing them all and plus I want people to feel included in these chapters. Anyways onto the story.

You have been feeling like crap for the whole week. You felt really tired, your breast were sore, and you were throwing up. At first you and your mom thought it was the flu, but as soon as your breast started to hurt, you ruled that out. You knew that your period was due next week, so it's most likely that.

However, next week Friday can and no visit from your period. You started to get worried, but then thought "well maybe I'm late. It could be due to all this stress and feeling sick." After spending one week at home, you decide to go to school. Sometimes you still felt nausea, but it was bearable.

"Hey! I'm so glad to see you!" Dice hugs you.
"Hey. I am too. I'm a little nausea, but it's bearable." You smile.
"You know, I looked up your symptoms online and one opinion said your period and the other one said pregnancy." Dice says a little nervous. You start to feel nervous too. You guys used a condom during your first time and haven't had sex since then. The condom was brand new, so nothing could've happened.
"Buttercup are you okay?" Dice ask.
"Yeah I'm fine." You smile.

As soon as you got home, you went into your room pacing back and forth. 'I can't be pregnant.' You think. You grab your phone and look online pregnant, but used a condom.  All these article come up and you pick the second one. Some of the reasons are "you and your partner cuddle after sex while they are inside of you" "you don't use enough lube" "you use the wrong lube" "you store it in a wallet" You immediately text Dice.

Buttercup: Where do you store condoms?
Dicey ❤️: My desk drawer. Why?
Buttercup: I looked up pregnant, but used a condom and this article came up on all the ways condoms can fail. Idk if I'm pregnant, but I just had to look.
Dicey ❤️: Okay. Have you gotten your period yet?
Buttercup: no. I should've gotten it Friday. The condom probably broke because we didn't use any lube.
Dicey ❤️: that was 3 days ago.... do you want me to come over while you talk with your parents about this? Also, you're probably right.
Buttercup: no. I'll be fine. I'll update you though. Thank you for being so understanding.
Dicey ❤️: ofc buttercup. I love you 😘
Buttercup: I love you too 😘

After dinner, you and your brother clean up the table,  your mom dry dishes and  your dad washed them.

"Hey mom.  I've got something to tell you." You tell your mom as your dad snd brother go outside to work on a car.
"I hope it's good." Your mom smiles.
"Well.... when was your first time? You know your first time having sex?"
"Oh. Um well I was about 18 or 19. Yeah it was senior year of high school on prom night with my date Bobby."
"Why you ask? Are you and Dice having sex?"
"Mom- I- we've only done it once and we used a condom, but my period hasn't come yet."
"Seriously Y/N?!" Your mom yells at you.
"Yes mom! I'm sorry." You tell back crying.
"I'm glad you used a condom, but you can't be pregnant you just can't. You have a bright futrue ahead of you. You're messing it up."
"Mom I know. I'm sorry okay." You go up to your room and cry into your pillow.

Two hours later you hear a knock on your door.
"Go away!" You shout.
"Sweetheart please open the door it's your father and I." You get up and open the door.
"Are you here to kick me out? Tell me how stupid I am?" You question.
"No honey." Your dad says walking into your room. You go and sit on your bed.
"Sweetheart. We're just shocked and a little scared. I mean, you and Dice are teenagers. You're not kids, but you're not adults yet either. I'm so glad you guys used a condom, but those aren't always fool proof, that's why you use a condom with another type of birth control such as the shot, pill, IUD. I've set up an appointment with a gynecologist. I told her your situation and she will do a blood test to see if your pregnant." Your mom says.
"We love you honey. We just want whats best for you." Your dad says. Your parents give you a hug and a kiss then leave.

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