Caught Pt. II

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The next morning:

Dice and I, after having a talk with Sam and finally getting Cat to wake up, ended up falling asleep on the couch. The sun shines in from the back door. Sunlight is hitting the floor and the door to Sam and Cat's room. It's peaceful.

"Good morning buttercup." Dice says in his sleepy voice. Did I mention that I find his sleepy voice cute? It's cute.

"Good morning dicey." I say smiling.

"You better cover up that hickey."

"You know if you didn't give me a hickey last night I wouldn't have to cover it."


Soon Sam and Cat wake up. We decide to go and get breakfast burritos.

"Wait! Let's go and get Nona and Goomer." Cat says happily. This girl is really happy.

"Who's Nona and Goomer?" I question.

"Goomer is an MMA fighter we are friends with and Nona is Cat's grandma." Sam mentions.

"Hey do you girls have foundation to cover up this hickey Dice gave me." I ask Sam and Cat. They both give Dice a look.

"I do! I do! I have every foundation shade. I do special effects makeup on myself and friends for Halloween." Cat exclaims.

"Cool." I follow her back to her room.

Elderly acres sounds exactly like what it is. It's a home for the elderly. There's people playing bingo, some doing Thai chi, some falling asleep and others chatting.

"Hi Nona!" Cat screams.
"Hey Cat!" Nona extends her arms to give Cat a hug. Nona looks nice. She has strawberry blonde hair and is wearing a pink plaid shirt with white pants.
"Can we go already?" Sam groans.
"Sam calm down. What's the rush? Who's this?" Nona looks directly at me.
"Hi. I'm Y/N. Dice's girlfriend." I extend my hand for Nona to shake it.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. Wow Dice I cant believe you have a girlfriend."

After Elderly Acres, we go over to Punchies gym to pick up Goomer. The gym has a ring for fighters to practice fighting, a locker room, and a water fountain. The equipment is red and blue.

"That's Goomer over there." Dice whispers in my ear while hugging me from behind and pointing at a guy. The guy is big, has short black hair, and wears a grey tank top and black shorts.

"Hey Goom!" Sam shouts.
"Hi Sam, Cat, Dice, Nona." Goomer says. All of a sudden Gommer's eyes get big.
"Dice is that your girlfriend?!" Goomer shouts.
"Yes. This is Y/N." Dice introduces me to Goomer.
"She's pretty."

While on our way to the burrito truck, Nona comes up to me and whispers, "You know, you should cover that hickey better next time."

Sorry this chapter is so short and not as descriptive as my other chapters.

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