#Toddler Climbing

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Im sorry this is late gabbiehannah1888

"Hey Sam," Dice and you say as the two of you enter Sam and Cat's apartment after school. You guys have to do a group project on an animal, so you guys decided to pick Sam and Cat's pet goat, Murph.

"Hey Cat," the two of say.
"Hey guys," they both say, but Sam says it with more anger.
"Whoa Sam. What's up?"
"Someone keeps writing bad reviews about our babysitting service on snorch.com."
"Really? Who?" You ask.
"I don't know. They all have usernames like Angryparent." You half smile at Sam's remark. You can't believe that someone would write bad reviews about their babysitting service. Yeah sure, a few times the kids have gotten loose and you all had to chase them, but they all got found before their parents came to pick them up.

"I'm gonna call my friend Freddie Benson. He's great with computer stuff, so maybe he can figure out who is writing these nasty reviews that are so not true. One of them says we've lost a kids thumb. We've never lost a kid's thumbs!" Sam states.
"Yeah!" Cat shouts.

After Sam calls Freddie, her and Cat decide to go to the address of the people who have been writing bad reviews. While they were doing that, Dice and you took care of Murph and did your project.

"GUYS!" Sam rushes back inside the apartment.
"Sam. What's up?" Dice ask turning to look at Sam and Cat.
"We went to their house. The people who have been writing the bad reviews on us, they have a babysitting service!! It's bunch of teenage boys doing it!"Cat shrieks.

"Really?! Why would they do that?" Dice ask.
"Because they're jealous of us. Duh." Cat rolls her eyes.
"I got a good idea. There's this locked door in their house and obviously they didn't let us in. Anyways my idea is that we dress the two of up as kids."
"Sam that won't work." You state, "they'll never believe that Dice and I, high school students, are little kids."

1 Hour Later
You are in  lavender shirt that has a pink butterfly on it with light blue jeans and light up Skechers. You were fixing your hair in two pigtails when Dice comes out of the bathroom and into Sam and Cat's bedroom.
"Omg hahaha." You burst out laughing.
"Baby." Dice pouts.
"Awww Dicey. You look so cute." You say still laughing. Dice is dressed in clothing that makes it look like he's from England. He also has a huge lollipop.
"Cat. He looks like a freak show from 1949." Sam states. You chuckle at that.
"Do I really have to wear this?" Dice ask.
"Yes now lick your lolli." Cat states.
"I don't wanna lick my lolli."
"Lick it." Cat sternly states. Dice licks his huge lollipop(not that one you dirty minded people).

As you guys stand in front of the house where the teenage boys live, Nonna would not stop singing her song about a big thermometer. You were wondering where she possibly could've heard the song when the door opened.
"Hey there big thermome-" Nonna sings as the door opens.
"Hello?" A teenage boy with dark brown skin and short curly hair ask as he opens the door.
"Hi I'm hear for babysitting services for my grandkids Billy and Bobbie." Nonna states. Dice licks him lollipop.
"Um okay."
"Have a good time kids! Bye!" Nonna waves. We wave too.

Once inside we sit at a table with a child and play with the toys.
"Dice, Y/N have you seen anything yet?" Sam ask us through her tablet which is hooked up to a hearing and microphone device in our ears.
"No. They haven't unlocked the door yet." You state.
"Oww." You place you hand up to your ear.
"Hold up. Some other people got here and they have a baby with them...." Dice trails. You and Dice look and see the door being unlocked. The teens and some kids go down to the room. You and Dice decide to get closer to see if you guys could go down with them.
"Where do you two think your going?" One of the boys ask.
"Down there." Dice and you say in unison.
"No." The teenage boy says.
"Throw a tantrum." Sam states through the tablet. Dice and you throw yourselves down on the floor and start screaming at the top of your lungs. You guys also thrash around.
"Okay okay. You guys can come down. Just don't get in the way."
"Yay!" Dice and you jump up and down. You guys walk down the stairs hand in hand. Dice rubs his thumb across your hand as a loving gesture. You smile at him.

Once down stairs you guys see a Little Rock climbing station. The babies were climbing it.
"Sam, Cat. Do you guys see this?" You quietly ask through your microphone. There's a camera in the both bows on your head and a camera in Dice's hat that are hooked up to Sam's tablet so her and Cat and see everything you guys are seeing.
"Yeah. Illegal toddler climbing." Sam states.

10 minutes later
Sam and Cat are rushing down the stairs.
"Whoa! How did you two get in?" A teenage boy ask.
"I used the old jam and jiggle." Sam states.
"I thought you hated that babe." Cat states.
"I like it now." Sam smirks.
"We know you're doing illegal toddler climbing. We have footage." Sam take out her tablet snd shows them a clip. It's a clip of Nonna singing about a big thermometer.
"Sam wrong clip." Cat points out. Sam turns the tablet around, finds the right clip and shows everyone.
"Now either we show this to the cops or..." Sam goes up to the teenage boy with black boy and shoved her pinky up his nostril. My eyes go wide.
"Omg! Her pinky's up my nose! It's in there so deep." He yells. She pulls it out.
"Now who else wants my pinky up their nose?" Sam ask. Everyone in the room vigorously shakes their head no.
"That's what I thought. Now shut this down." Sam says.
"Wait! Before we go. We want your snorch password and also recite this poem I wrote." Cat says. Everyone mumbles about the poem, but as soon as Sam lifts her pinky up everyone shuts up.
"Place your hand on your heart and repeat after me." Cat states. Everyone places their hand on their heart and Cat begins.
"Gambling is bad, illegal and wrong. In China a popular last name is Wong. So never gamble it's a road to disaster. Unless you're in Vegas in which case it's acceptable." Everyone states, "Amen" at the end.

Once you guys got back to Sam and Cat's apartment, Dice and you continue your project on Murph and Sam and Cat's delete the bad reborn snitch.

Hey guys sorry this took almost a month to write. I've been busy with studying for finals and personal stuff. I can't wait until my winter break starts. Ill probably start writing holiday chapters so request some holiday scenarios down below. Ill probably start writing them after my last final on Thursday and if not then I'll do it next Monday. See you guys in the next chapter or update. :)

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