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You were sleeping peacefully in your canopy bed. Moonlight was shinning in from your window beside your bed. Outside was quiet until...
"Fuck!" Someone next door yells. You wake up and hear more shouting.
"Don't touch that!"

Your mind instantly thinks it's a domestics violence situation. Your neighbors are a Peruvian family. They're really nice. They come to all your family parties and even help out your family.

However, their shouting was really loud. You started to feel scared. You thought for a quick second "maybe I should call 911 just to be sure," but instead you decided to cover your head with your blanket and try to get some sleep. Considering you've only slept four hours tonight so far, you needed all the sleep you could get.

However you weren't gonna get any sleep tonight.

All of a sudden you see orange. It's big and glowing. You instantly get out of your bed and go to your parents room. You knew it was a fire and if it spread to your house, it would go to your room first.

"There's a fire next door," you shake your parents awake, getting ready to call 911.
"Call 911!" Your dad shouts. The 911 operator says someone is already on their way. Your brother runs into your parents room wondering what the heck is going on.
"Get shoes on just in case." Your mom states. You run back to your room and get your slides on. You steal a quick glance out the window and see the orange still going big. You feel scared. You don't want the fire to touch your room and house. You decide to go back to your parents room and call Dice. You get voicemail.
"Dicey... I know you're probably asleep right now, but I could be in danger. My neighbors house is on fire. Considering how close their house is to mine, plus it looks like it started in the backyard and their backyard is near my room. All that separates it is a wooden fence. I love you so much my Prince Charming. I'll keep you updated." You hang up and sit on your parents bed. Your brother wraps his arm around your shoulder to comfort you.

"I'm going outside to check on things." Your dad says grabbing a light jacket. Your mom goes after him and you and your brother follow suit. They hug and kiss. This could be the last time they see each other. You hope it's not. You look out the living window and all you see is orange lighting up the sky. You can't see any flames, but you know it's spreading. "Please don't spread to our house." You think. All of a sudden you hear a booming noise. You don't jump, but you wonder what it is. You look at your phone and see that Dice is calling you.

"Omg princess. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you away from the fire?" Dice frantically ask.
"I'm okay. I'm not really away from the flames though. We are still inside our house. It looks like it's spreading, but not to our house." You say looking at the orange glow.
"That's good. I'm glad you and your family are safe. I hope your neighbors got out in time."
"Me too."
"Keep talking to me so I know you're okay."
You talk to Dice about what's going. Finally your dad comes back inside and says that the fire has spread to the trees, but the fire department is there. You feel relieved. Everyone goes back to bed except for you. You're so scared that the fire will get out of control and spread to your house. You keep looking outside. You hear firefighters talking and screaming. Your heart rate quickens.
"Buttercup listen to me," Dice states, "the fire department is there like you said. They know how to handle this best. It will be okay. Just breathe slowly and listen to my voice." For the entire night, Dice talks to you about anything and everything. Just to get your mind off of what's happening outside.

Finally after about an hour, things start to die down. You still hear firefighters, but there's not so many of them talking snd they aren't shouting. You're happy that your house didn't get touched and that you and your family are safe. You hope that your neighbors got in time.

That morning you wake up exhausted. You only got five hours of sleep in total. Your dad goes over to the neighbors house to see if they're okay and to offer any help. They all got out alive. You're feel so relieved that everyone is okay.

Hey guys! How are you? I'm doing good. Better than last night. This chapter is based on what I witnessed last night. It was very scary. I'm  glad that everyone is okay.

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