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Key: Y/N= your name. This will be in second person. This was requested by @gabbiehannah1888

You and Dice were suppose to go to Sam and Cat's apartment together, but of course your mom wanted you to stay home and take the chicken out the freezer and then clean up the house a little. It wasn't much work. Plus your mom promised you that you could go over there once dinner was done.

Buttercup(Dice's nick name for you): Hey! I'm on my way to Sam and Cat's Apartment.
Dicey: Okay. Be safe. The sun is going down soon.
Buttercup: Don't worry it's a 20 minute bike ride. I'll get here before sundown.

The wind is blowing through your hair and it's not too, but not too cold either. The sky was a pretty light orange color. While on your way, you see an old woman who looks like she need help placing a small tv in her car. You decide to get off your bike and help her.

"Hi," you smile. "Do you need help with that?"
"Oh why yes I do." The old lady smiles back. You start to grab the small tv from the other side.
"Oh no. Pick it up from the other end and go inside my car and place it." Your mom always told you not to help strangers unless you're in a public area because they could kidnap. She also told you never to go inside their vehicle as they could shut the door and drive off with you in it. This is an old lady though. How much damage could she really cause?

You grab the other end, sit in her truck and place the tv beside you, as she pushes the tv in.
"Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome." You get up, but suddenly the old lady slams the truck door, causing you to move back inside so your fingers won't get smashed.
"Hey!" You yell, "Let me out!"

Dice's POV
"Y/N hasn't shown up yet. I hope she's okay." Dice says pulling out his phone to text you.
"I'm sure she's just running late." Sam gets a call. She answers it.
"What?!" Sam shouts. Dice and Cat look at her with wide eyes. Sam hangs up the phone and looks back at them a little nervous.
"Nora is back." Sam nervously says.
"Whose Nora?" Dice and Cat ask.
"A girl who kidnapped Carly, Freddie, and Me. She's crazy." Someone rings the doorbell.
"Yay. It's Y/N." Dice says relived and opens the door. He doesn't see you. Instead he sees a letter.
"What is it?" Sam ask.
"A letter...?" Dice says shocked. He opens it and reads it outloud. It says:

I have your friend Y/N. If you don't believe me, here's a piece of her.

Dice looks at Sam and Cat's with anger in his eyes while he holds the bracelet that he made you.
"Don't worry. We'll save her." Sam says.

"Nora!! Let me out!" You shout. You feel crying. You're scared, cold and hungry.
"No! I hate Sam, so to get back at her, I've kidnapped you."
"Can I at least have some food?!"
"NO! Now shut up." You sit back down on the floor.

Dice POV

That Nevel person is crazy, but at least he helped us. I really hope we find Y/N. I don't what I would do if I lost her. I go up to the house on Crosbie street and knock on the door.

"Why hello. How may I help you?" An old lady ask me.
"Hi. My name is Dice. I was wondering if you've seen my girlfriend Y/N."
"Oh no I haven't. While I have you here, could you possibly help me set up my tv in my basement?"
"Sure." I smile. This old lady's house is pretty vacant. I guess she just moved it. Once we make it down the stairs, I see the tv In the corner , so I make my over to it, but suddenly I'm falling into a hole.

"Dice!" Y/N scream and hugs me.
"Oh my gosh! Y/N! I'm so glad to see you. Are you okay?" I ask looking over her for any bruises.
"I'm okay. I'm hungry though. She won't give us any food."
"That's right!" A young girl looks down at us.
"What? I thought an old lady lived here."
"Oh about that. That was a disguise. Hahahah!" The young girl shouts.
"Her name is Nora." Y/N says. It finally clicks for me. That's Nora. The girl who kidnapped Sam and her other friends. Why does she want us?

30 minutes later I here footsteps.
"I know you have them Nora." Sam says.
"Hey!!" Y/N and I shout.
"Great! Now I'll have you too." Nora smirks.
"No you won't. How about I make a deal with you?" Sam picks up Nora's pet chicken.
"Put him down!" Nora shouts.
"Either the chicken gets it or you let them go."
"How about we fight for it?"
"Fine by me. You'll loose."
"I won't Sam. For two years I've been getting stronger and angrier. Waiting for the day to get out so that I can get you ICarlys."

Suddenly I'm on the ground.
"Are you guys okay?" Cat ask.
"I'm fine." Y/N states.
"I'm not!" I push Nora off me. Soon the cops come and arrest her.
"Yay!! Now we can go to Hawaii and get burgers." Cat exclaims. We chuckle because we're just going to Aloha Burger.

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