First Date & First Kiss

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Key- Y/n(Your name), Y/bff(Your best friend's name). This is written in first person.

Dice and I haven't gone official yet. Over the weekend, we texted each other non-stop. I don't think I got any sleep over the weekend and even forgot all about my homework, until Sunday night.

I grab my phone and see that I have a text from Dice, so I text him back:

Dice❤ - Good morning Cutie 😘

Y/N- Oh so I'm cutie now 🥰 Good morning Dicey

Dice ❤- "Dicey"?

Y/N- Yeah. It's your nickname. You don't like it?

Dice ❤- I love it. 😊

I hope we go official soon. I should just ask him, but Y/bff says that the guy should do the asking. I hope he ask me soon.

While on the bus to school, I lay my head on Dice's shoulder.

"Tired buttercup?" Dice whisper ask.

"Mhmm" I say with my eyes closed. Dice wraps his arm around me. My insides were jumping for joy. 

Once off the bus, Dice and I walk into school with his arm still wrapped around me. People were looking at us. It made my heart pound and I felt a little self conscious, but at the same time I could hardly care because I was with the boy of my dreams.

While In English class, I got a text from Dice.

Dice ❤- meet me on the roof

Y/N- Okay.

"May I go to the bathroom Mrs. August?"


Our roof has a garden with flowers and vegetables. We're not suppose to go up here, but one time I found Dice up here having a panic attack and ever since then it's been our spot.

"Hey," Dice hugs me.

"Hey," I hug him back breathing in his scent. He smells like the beach, "Why are we up here?'

"Because Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me Friday after school?"

"I would love to." I say grinning. The sky was gray, but the sun started to peak through the clouds. It was a little chilly up on the roof. Dice must've noticed the goosebumps appearing on my arms because he started to take off his sweatshirt. While taking it off, his shirt came up a bit. I saw a bit of his stomach.

"Thank You," I put on his red hoodie that says Nike across it. I put my hands in the pocket and I feel something in it. I pull it out and it's a kit kat bar. I look up at Dice and smile.

"Flip it over." Dice gestures to the candy bar. On the backside of it there's a heart shaped sticky note that says, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes," I throw my arms around him. He picks me up and twirls me around.

For the rest of the week, I felt really happy. Dice and I were official and people were saying that we make a cute couple. Come Friday though, my hands were clammy, my heart was racing and I felt nauseous. I want our first date to be perfect.

"Y/N. You'll be fine. Remember, during eighth period, come to the girl's bathroom on the second floor. There will be a change of clothes and of course moi to help you out with your makeup and hair." Y/BFF said.

I stood in the mirror staring at myself. I have on denim shorts, checkered vans and a pink tank top with ruffles. Y/bff is currently putting my hair back and fixing the front of my hair, so that I can have bangs. Once she was done with my hair, she applied some pink blush, pink highlighter, lip gloss and mascara to my face. I smile to myself as I put on a heat necklace and heart studs.

"Good luck. He's gonna love your look."

"Thank you." I say hugging Y/Bff.

When we arrive at the go kart place, it's noisy. There's one race track that goes in a circle. The walls are red, black and white and the go karts come in every color of the rainbow. You can smell the gasoline and even see tire marks on parts of the track. In the middle of the track, there's a median with columns that go from floor to ceiling. One of the columns is painted to look like a traffic light.

"I'm so gonna beat you buttercup." Dice runs over to a blue go kart.
"No you're not!" I shout running to a pink go kart. We start racing around the track. The wind in my hair, the smell of burning rubber. I love it! In the end I win one race and Dice wins the second one.

After we decided to get ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. We order a large cup of vanilla ice cream with chocolate and Carmel syrup in it.

"What?" I ask Dice.
"Nothing. You're eyes just look really beautiful."
"Thank you." I say blushing.

After we finish the ice cream, we decide to walk hand and hand around the town center. I see couples feeding each other ice cream and kissing, kids playing in the playground and riding the merry go round up on the hill. I see families in the lake in paddle boats that are designed to look like swans and frogs. Around us are people going in and out of shops, eating, laughing, talking.

We are half way across the bridge, when Dice stops. He pulls me over to this little space on the bridge, where you can feed the geese. I look out and in the lake and see orange fish swimming.

"This is a really cool first date Dice. Thank you." I pull him in for a one sided hug.
"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it." I turn to look at Dice. His brown eyes sparkle in the sunlight. His lips are full and look soft to the touch. I start to lean in and so does he. Nothing can stop us now from kissing.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look at the fish!" A little girl in a denim dress says right beside us. I feel defeated. I was so close to getting my first kiss with Dice and it had to get ruined by that little girl.

"Thank you! See you later Mr. Brown." I say getting out of Dice's father's car and walking up to my house.
"Y/N wait up! I'll walk you." Dice runs up to me.
"It's not that far of a walk, but thank you."

"Text me when you get home." I say.
"I will." Dice replies.
"I had a great time."
"So did I." Dice turns and walks back to his father. I'm about to open my door when I hear Dice.
"Y/N. Wait!" He runs up to me, pulls me in very close and kisses me. I kiss him back. His lips were soft and his breath tasted of vanilla ice cream. Once we pull away, he walks down my steps backwards, smiling.

Once inside, I shut the front door and slide down it, sitting on the floor. I sit there, smiling to myself, touching my lips.

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