Chapter 1- Flight (Ava)

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Chapter 1 (Ava)

"No. I cannot allow you to do this." Remus shook his head, his eyes closed.

I stared at him, my mouth open. "Why?" I protested, taking a step towards him.

Standing in the kitchen of the Burrow whilst everyone else was chatting in the living room made the day feel just like any other day. Except it wasn't.

This day had been planned for weeks by the Order- Harry was leaving Privet Drive for good. Order members had been in and out of the Burrow for the whole day, making sure that everything had been put into place for the mission.

Everyone else, aside from Mrs. Weasley and Ginny, was going to help with the mission as it was an important one. And I had asked Remus if I could help as well.

"Because it's too dangerous." Remus had his hands in his hair as if he were about to pull it out.

"Dangerous?" I almost laughed, "What matters if it's too dangerous? I still went to the Astronomy Tower at the end of last year, and I knew that was going to be dangerous. It didn't stop me."

"Ava..." Remus sighed, "That was different. You wanted to save Harry and Dumbledore. You were the only person who knew about it. This time, the whole Order has it under control, and there are enough people on the mission."

"If it's so dangerous, why are you letting Tonks go?" I muttered. Tonks and Remus had only got married last week, and I could see how much he loved her.

Remus shook his head, "Tonks is a member of the Order. You are not."

"But I could be!" I cried, willing Remus to understand.

"Ava... I don't understand this sudden desperation to become a member of the Order. A month ago you didn't even mention it, and now, on the night of the mission, you tell me that you want to join in." His voice was quiet.

"I want to help my brother, I want to help our side."

"But why?" Remus' voice was getting louder, and he looked ready to cut the conversation short.

"I have to..." I trailed off.

I wanted to help Harry- why didn't he understand?

Finally, I spoke. "I have every right to do this- I'm nineteen, Remus. I should be able to make my own decisions. And I want to help the Order. I want to help my brother. Can you not just let me-"

"No!" Remus caught me by surprise by shouting, and the chatter in the living room faltered for a moment before starting again, more quietly.

"No." He repeated, his voice quiet but harsh.

I spun around and walked towards the window, my blood boiling with frustration. Why wouldn't he just let me?

In the reflection of the glass, I could see Remus shaking his head tiredly.

"Last year," I whispered, "I spent the whole time fighting for the wrong side. I was... I was working for them. Now, I'm finally free of that- of all of that. But I've never done a single thing for the Order. And I want to. Because I need to shake away every last feeling that working with the Death Eaters gave me. If I... if I do this one thing- I'll feel like I've done something right."

Remus walked towards me slowly and muttered, "You never did anything wrong, Ava."

I turned to face him, and he shook his head, defeated, "Fine."

A grin spread across my face as I stood on my tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you. You know I won't do anything stupid."

As I walked out of the kitchen, I was sure that I heard Remus mutter, "Do I?" but when I stopped and turned to face him he was staring out of the window.

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