A Newfound Gift

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                                                                                Angela's P.O.V

  "Jack wait!" I shouted despite knowing that everyone, including Nightmares, could hear me. I heard the shrill whinny of the black horses in the distance, but I ignored them. I knew that we would be able to get out of Burgess before they could advance on us. I watched as Jack snatched the snow-globe from North's hand and sprinted through the portal of blues and greens.

"Angela, what happened?" Tooth cried as she ran beside me. I shook my head, too out of breath to talk and instead followed Jack through the portal. Almost as soon as I came through, I slipped and fell, landing on my butt in the process.

"Ouch," I mumbled, rubbing my sore bottom and looking around. I gasped as I saw a few, thin ice patches on the floor. I guess that meant Jack's powers were slowly returning to him.

"Angela, what happened back there?" North asked me frantically, no doubt wanting to know why Jack was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Well," I began while fiddling with my fingers, "I don't know how to put this but...Jamie walked right through Jack. He thinks that you all are dead." I was met with silence, which unnerved me. I knew Jamie, and was friends with him, but he wasn't one of my closest friends, so I didn't know him as well as I should. From what I heard, Jamie was the strongest believer that the Guardians had. Now that he didn't believe, well I guess it was a shock to all of them.

"We had suspected this to happen when that light went out but," Tooth looked down sadly, "it still shocked all of us, Jack most of all. Maybe it would be best to leave him be for a little while." I nodded in agreement and stared in the direction Jack went.

"He'll come back Angela," I heard a voice in my head, "he just needs time." I reached out to pat Midnight in a silent gesture to thank her.

"In the meantime," Bunny said, "what's our next move? I want my weapons and my size back!" To lighten the mood, I scooped the tiny Guardian up and hugged him close to my chest. "Crikey! What's the big idea?" He protested while I scratched the space behind his ears. The Guardians chuckled as Bunny sighed in content, which quickly turned into an embarrassed glare directed at me. I couldn't help but laugh, he just looked so cute! But I knew not to say that to his face.

"How about we tackle Bunny's realm?" I suggested while still holding Bunny in my arms.

"I agree, the Warren is big, so it might take longer for us to fix it up," North spoke up, "we should go there next." Everyone seemed to agree, so I went over to the couch and let Bunny hop out of my arms.

"So what if it takes longer?" Bunny exclaimed, waving his tiny paws in the air, "we're not going down without a fight! We'll patch up my home no matter how long it takes because we have something Pitch doesn't posses. You guys have me, the Guardian of Hope. We'll make children believe with just that, hope." I could see a new fire light up in Bunny's emerald eyes. I now understood why he was the Guardian of Hope. He could bring up a person's mood in a snap. He always knew just what to say in difficult times such as this. Bunny never, and I mean never, would give up even if the circumstances seemed bleak. He believed that everything would work out in our favor, and I was starting to believe that too.

"Well old friend," North chuckled, "it looks like Easter is more important again." I didn't understand the slight rivalry between these two, but Bunny shook his head.

"No mate, this time all of our holidays and traditions are important," Bunny grinned, "and I'm not ashamed to say it."

"Do any of you need to rest before heading to the Warren?" I asked, eyeing them for hidden injuries or unspoken concerns.

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