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Hey guys just to let you know, this chapter is going to be in sections. What I mean is, it's going to consist of multiple POV's. I'm going to separate each POV with a section line, if that's what they're called. I'll try to make this chapter as organized and non-confusing as possible. By the way, I appreciate any feedback, but try not to be mean haha.

Angela's P.O.V

Pain and darkness is what I'm experiencing. Overwhelming, sharp, throbbing pain that started in my stomach and spread to every part of my body. I wanted to curl up in a ball, but whenever I moved more pain would shoot through me. My body felt sluggish, like there were weights strapped to my limbs. I wanted to reach out and cling to someone, but there was no one to cling onto. I was completely and utterly alone. The darkness wouldn't let go of me, instead it filled my eyes. I didn't know if I was closing my eyes, or if I was just in a dark place. The pain was still there, eating me from the inside out. As quickly as it came, however, it disappeared. I suddenly was surrounded by white. I looked down and there was my body. I was standing. No pain, no darkness, and somehow I didn't feel alone anymore. I lifted my shirt up, finding no blood, just a jagged scar that was about 6 inches long. In fact, when I searched my body, I found no evidence of injury.

I saw a blue light out of the corner of my eye. There was a path made of stars under me, leading into the vast whiteness. I turned my head, looking for something or someone, anyone to tell me what the heck was happening. One minute, I was bleeding out on the floor of Tooth's palace with the Guardians crying over me. The next minute, I was in some weird, magical dimension? I don't know if it was even a different dimension, but I decided that the only thing I could do was follow the path. I put one foot in front of the other, slowly, taking care to be aware of my surroundings. There was no turning back now.

Tooth's P.O.V

The smell of the burning candle reached my nose, reminding me of why we were here in the first place. I grasped Jack's hand, clinging onto him tightly, afraid that if I let go, I would lose him as well. A few tears would leak out of my eyes sometimes, but I had cried so much already that almost no tears would fall. I stared at the painting of Angela on the floor. North had painted her like she was an angel. Her long, black hair was flowing around her, almost like a cape. Her eyes were closed, hiding her dark green eyes from the world. She had a small smile on her face, as if she was accepting her fate like a gift. Her arms were splayed out, like she was displaying something in front of her. She seemed to be floating. She looked almost like a perfect replica of Mother Nature herself. The memorial was long over, but the candles were as bright as ever and Jack was still standing there. His silence unnerved me, but I knew that he was having a hard time with this. I mean, he had lost his sister, Jamie, and now Angela. Three children that he had been close with were all gone.

"Jack?" I whispered, "you should really get some rest." I wanted to say more, but I had no idea what to say. The expression on his face frightened me. His brows were furrowed and he was staring at the painting of Angela with the darkest glint I've ever seen in his eyes. There was no doubt about it, Jack Frost was very angry.

"He's going to pay," Jack said hoarsely. He didn't need to clarify on who he was referring to. I reached out to touch him, but he flinched away as soon as my fingers grazed his shoulder. The fact that he was pushing me away scared me.

"Jack," I paused, "maybe you should get some rest." I know I had already said that to him, but I didn't know how to tell him that he should calm down. I was afraid that if I said that, he would get defensive and do something really stupid. Suddenly, he turned around, his silvery-white bangs almost hiding his eyes.

Rise of the Guardians 2: Return of the Nightmare KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang