The Horrible Truth

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                                                                              Angela's P.O.V

Shivers ran up and down my spine as the weight of Pitch's words fell upon me. I didn't quite understand what he said. I knew who my parents were, just not what they were. I knew their names, Emily and James Nelson, but since knowing about my powers I just assumed that one of my parents was a superhero or something! Now that I think about it, though, that sounded dumb. I hated to admit it to myself, but maybe they had been lying to me about my true heritage. Worse yet, what if I was adopted?! Wait, that couldn't be right I was the spitting image of my mom. Suddenly realizing the silence around me, I pulled myself from my thoughts and returned to the situation. I widened my eyes when I saw that everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

"What are all of you looking at me for?" I asked in annoyance, "you waiting for a reaction out of me or something? I was just taking Pitch's words in, that's all! Just get on with it, I want to hear what you have to say," I gestured to Pitch and fell silent. I didn't want their looks of pity or anticipation, especially from Jack. I just wanted answers and that's it. I have waited this long, I don't think I could wait any longer. All eyes turned to the Nightmare King, who was still mounted on his loyal steed Onyx. He sneered at the sudden attention from his enemies.

"Before I came here, I had asked Onyx to retrieve my memories from your palace, Toothiana," Pitch explained, "she brought them back to me quickly. I admit I was curious, so I decided to give in and look at them." He paused and gazed at the ground for a few moments. It seemed he was hesitant to reveal who he truly was in his past life. His golden-grey eyes darted this way and that, searching for another way to word his explanation. Finally, he looked at us again and cleared his throat. "I won't trouble you with the details of my past, but in my memories I saw that I had a family. More importantly, I had a daughter," he said softly.

Pitch Black, the King of Nightmares, the being who had trapped the whole world in darkness had a daughter way back when? If I wasn't surprised before, I sure was now! I didn't know that Pitch could love someone, let alone have a child with them! All of the Guardians were silent, looking at Pitch with...wait was that pity I saw shining in their eyes? They didn't seem surprised at all! That's when it hit me, they knew about his past! I rubbed my chin thoughtfully, why would they not tell him of his past? Even if he was the enemy that seemed unfair. I didn't get a chance to think about it fully, however, because Pitch continued.

"That daughter, her name was Emily Jane and she became Mother Nature. I remember encountering her multiple times on my quest to bring an end to the Golden Age. I never once thought she was my daughter, though," he looked down. "After my first defeat, I remember slowly gaining power. Enough to wander around Earth and scare a few children here and there. She always seemed to hate me, but sometimes she would show me a small fraction of kindness. I never knew why she did that, until now." He paused again and frowned almost sadly. I uncrossed my arms and sighed.

"Look Pitch, I hate to hurry you along but I would love to hear the rest of your story," I added, "and I'm sorry. I still don't like you, but I feel your pain. You lost your daughter and she lost respect for you. Even if you don't admit it, I think you feel regret for not trying to reconnect your bond with her." The room was silent after my words. It was true, I still disliked him a great deal after what he did, but I wasn't heartless. Pitch bowed his head in acknowledgement and continued his story.

"After I was finished looking at my memories, I remembered the last time we met. It was during the time I was taking over Burgess, the time your parents disappeared Angela," he looked at me. I tried hard to maintain a straight face as I waited for him to reveal my parents' identity. Pitch bowed his head, almost in shame, "I now remember the night I killed your parents Angela," he whispered. I gasped sharply as anger spiked through my body. I guess it was officially true, Pitch admitted to killing my parents, leaving an innocent child alone. I curled my hands into fists and furrowed my brows. I didn't dare say anything, but my anger for him returned ten-fold. This was it, I would finally learn about my parents' death. I gave him my full undivided attention even if I was angry at him.

Rise of the Guardians 2: Return of the Nightmare KingWhere stories live. Discover now