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 Angela's P.O.V.

Come on, move! My mind shouted at me. I don't know what was happening, but I couldn't move. My eyes couldn't tear themselves away from Pitch's evil gaze. I heard the fast beating of my heart in my ears and the adrenaline pumping through my body. My breaths came in small gasps. That's when I knew. I was terrified of the monster before me. I was paralyzed with fear, and Pitch loved it. Only when Jack's hand gripped my shoulder did I dare move. "Angela, can you hear me?" his ice blue eyes scanned my face, searching for any injuries. I nodded my head, finding my throat too dry to speak. "Angela, listen to me. You take Bunny on your horse and run. Just run as fast as you can." That's when I realized what he wanted to do. He was going to try to hold back the wolves!

"No! I cannot leave you behind!" I shouted at him, surprising him with my tone of voice. "I made a promise to protect all of you, so that's what I'm gonna do." I hardened my expression to show how serious I was.


"No, you guys are too weak to fend for yourselves," I said, "I will not leave you behind." Jack closed his mouth and smiled at me. I knew that he was grateful for my words. "Now let's do this," I stood against him, back to back. Midnight was also beside me, glaring angrily at the Nightmare wolves. My eyes darted from wolf to wolf, trying to figure out where to aim. They were circling us, probably waiting for their master to give the word. My eyes fell on Pitch again, who was smirking at the scene before him. The fear was still there, but I pushed that aside and focused on the task at hand. I willed my hands to stop shaking and aimed for one of the wolves. I pulled the trigger, but I missed by a hair. Suddenly, they slowed down and growled. I gulped at how sharp their teeth were. I glanced at Pitch for what felt like the tenth time and this time, he stared back. His gold-silver eyes narrowed and I found myself tumbling down a hill. I didn't feel the pain until I saw the wolf that was clamped on my ankle. That's when I screamed. That's when I realized I was falling. I heard the shouts of my friends over the hill, but it was too late. The wolf had gotten me. There was nowhere to turn.

I felt the pressure of the wolf's teeth lift from my bleeding ankle, but I kept falling. Darkness was all around me. Gravity was pulling me down, farther into the depths of...wherever I was going. Crack! I collided hard into the side of the...tunnel? Suddenly I was rolling again. Thud! I met the ground and landed unceremoniously in a heap. I felt like I was drowning, even though there was no water. My fall must've knocked the wind out of me. I coughed multiple times, my breaths coming in shallow gasps. It was hard to breathe. But this feeling didn't last for long, because soon I was breathing properly again. I rose to my feet shakily, pain erupting in my ankle, making me fall to my knees. I stretched my leg out, examining my injured ankle. I winced at the bloody bite mark. It covered my entire ankle. Well, I guess I wouldn't be able to walk on that leg. I tried to be careful getting up, but I hissed in pain anyway. My eyes roved around the space I was in, but all I saw was darkness. It was hard to see my own hands in front of my face.

I looked up only to be met with a tiny beam of light above me. That must've been the hole I fell through, or rather, the hole I was pushed into. "Hello?" I called, but the only sound I heard was my voice echoing around me. "Jack? Tooth? Guys?!" I began to get frantic as I realized they probably couldn't hear me. How was I supposed to get out of here when the only visible way out was above me? I couldn't fly and there's no way I could climb. I stretched my hands out as I groped for a way out, or at least something to hang on to. "Great, just great. I get stuck in a hole with no way out. I only have my crossbow as a weapon and I'm injured. What else could go wrong?" I threw my hands up in exasperation just as a growling noise caught my ear. I paused in my rant, turning my head to the noise. If those wolves were down here, did that mean Pitch was down here as well? I shuddered, not wanting to think about that. That's when I saw it; a round, dark space that looked very much like a tunnel. Clumsily, I hobbled my way into the foreboding space, feeling my way in.

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