Healing Jack

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                                                                                        Angela's P.O.V

The Guardians and I came out of the portal frantically. Jack had gone unconscious again and was having trouble breathing. I have to be honest, I was kinda overwhelmed by everything. First, I figure out I have Pitch's powers, then some of my friends get hurt, and now I'm in North's workshop watching Jack die. I wanted to cry, but I had no time to process anything. Everything was going too fast and I began to panic.

"Angela, sweetheart," Tooth laid a hand on my shoulder, "We're going to get Jack to one of the hospital rooms. You stay here in the big living room. The yetis will take care of you."

My eyes widened, "Yetis?!" Tooth just nodded and left me alone with my Nightmare. Oh yeah, that's right. I had tamed one of Pitch's Nightmares and now it listened to me. I rubbed my arm and started walking to one of the couches. The Nightmare nudged my back softly and whinnied. I just ignored it and sat down.

I still did not want to believe that I had Pitch's powers. That would mean that I would be related to him, right? I mean, how else would I have gotten his powers? The Nightmare nudged me again, but I just shrugged her off. It bowed its head in sadness and laid down next to me. I sighed and looked at the direction the Guardians had gone. I hope Jack is okay. I had just grown fond of him and now he was injured because of me. I didn't want him to die because of my mistakes.

I got startled out of my thoughts when I heard a low garble behind me. I turned around only to find a giant hairy thing offering water to me. I couldn't help but ask, "What are you supposed to be?" Sure it might've been rude, but my curiosity got the better of me. The hairy giant spoke in a series of grunts and growls that sounded angry. "Sorry, but I don't know what you are. I just came from my hometown, Burgess. I'm scared, lonely, and worried about the Guardians. I just want to go home!" I started crying.

I just couldn't help it! I mean, what would you expect from a 13-year-old girl who just went through a traumatizing experience! The hairy giant warbled something again and sat down on the couch beside me. I sniffed and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. The giant next to me patted my shoulder and offered me water again. I took it and gulped it down. I guess I was more thirsty than I thought. "Thank you," I nodded. The giant nodded back and then got a notebook and a pen out of nowhere.

He wrote something on it and showed it to me, My name is Phil. I chuckled, "Nice to meet you, Phil. I'm Angela." We shook hands and smiled at each other. Do you want something to eat? He wrote in the notebook. "That would be great, thanks." With that, he left. After he left, I sighed and looked down at my hands. If I had the Nightmare King's powers, does that mean I can turn dreams into Nightmares? I frowned and shook my head to clear my thoughts. I didn't want to think about that right now.

Phil came back with a small plate with a peanut butter jelly sandwich on it. I grinned, "I haven't had a pb&j in a long time! Thank you, I appreciate this." I bit into the sandwich and closed my eyes. The creamy taste of the peanut butter and the sweet taste of the jelly blended into a nice flavor. It was then I realized how hungry I was, so I gobbled down the sandwich in just a few bites. Phil laughed and handed me a chocolate chip cookie as a dessert. I gasped and bit into it happily. I haven't been this joyful in years!

I glanced at Phil, "You're a yeti, aren't you?" Phil just smirked and nodded. After I finished the cookie, I decided to walk with Phil to look at the globe room. I didn't know what that was, but it sounded interesting and I needed something to distract me from my worries. When we entered the room, my mouth fell open in wonder. There was a giant globe of the whole planet spinning slowly in the middle of the room. Only five lights were shining on it, but it was still amazing. There was a giant fireplace with a mural above it. The mural showed how North befriended the yetis.

Rise of the Guardians 2: Return of the Nightmare KingWhere stories live. Discover now