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General P.O.V

It was a calm, crisp day in the little town of Burgess. The people were just waking up, finding a thin blanket of snow on the ground. The icicles decorating the town were slowly melting away as the sun greeted the earth with its warm rays. The children were trickling out of their houses with winter gear on, intending to play in the snow before it was gone. It was only a few days away from April, and that meant spring was on its way. It had been six months since the sun had come back, and everything was finally getting back to normal. Burgess may be small, but it always found a way to bounce back again. The adults held small therapy sessions in groups once a week, while some of the older children did almost the same. During the last three years of darkness and fear, everyone had been plagued by nightmares daily. Some still couldn't get over their fear of the old, terrifying spirit that haunted their dreams. Others bounced back quickly, while still others were coming back slowly. To everyone's surprise, the children were the most resilient.

They had told their parents, siblings, and friends that they needed to start rebuilding. In fact, Jamie and his friends were the people to hold the therapy sessions. Even though the town was safe again, no one knew that it was being watched. The wind blew through the trees, making the leaves sway and the branches bend. Some children tugged their coats on tighter because of the cold, but Jamie and his friends knew what the sudden drop in temperature meant. Jack Frost was the official guardian of Burgess and its children. He always managed to pay a visit to his favorite kids, no matter what was going on. It made them feel as if everything was going to be alright. Jack dove through the clouds, enjoying the tickling feeling on his nose. He rode the wind like a surfboard, hanging ten like a true rider of the waves. He sprinkled a light dusting of snow on the children below, but not enough to cause a snowstorm. He knew that spring was coming up, and a certain rabbit would be very angry at him if he ruined Easter.

The winter spirit landed in one of the trees, surveying the land and watching the children. He couldn't stay long today because of an important meeting. "Jack!" someone below him called. Jack looked down, curious as to who wanted him. It was young Jamie, looking up at him with a bright smile and joy glinting in his eyes. He loved to see the boy smile and laugh again.

"Hey there kid," he grinned and jumped to the ground, "what's up?" Jack ruffled the kid's hair, although he didn't have to reach down as much anymore.

"Nothing much," Jamie replied with a smile, "you can't stay today can you?" Jamie's face showed a bit of disappointment, but he knew that Jack had been a little busy this past week.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Jamie," Jack rubbed the back of his head, "the Guardians and I have to meet with someone very important today. I cannot be late, or I might get in trouble."

"It's okay, I understand," Jamie grinned, "but can I ask one question before you go?" Jamie suddenly smirked very suspiciously.

"Um, sure?" Jack was prepared for a weird question.

"Is the Tooth Fairy your girlfriend?" Jamie blurted out loudly. Jack blushed from his neck up. He nervously laughed and ran a hand through his silvery white hair.

"U-um, yeah, what about it?" Jack stammered.

"Ha! See, I told you I was right!" Jamie shouted to Cupcake, "you owe me a big piece of your chocolate cake now!"

"Aw man!" the girl shouted from far away, her head drooped in defeat.

"You placed a bet on me and Tooth?" Jack cockily smiled, "I should scold you, but I'm impressed." Jack suddenly looked up. The northern lights were floating through the air. "Sorry buddy, I gotta go now," Jack patted Jamie's head and flew up into the air.

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