Gaining Believers

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                                                                                  General P.O.V

A swift shadow quietly moved in the dark of the small town. The king's minion snorted angrily, making even the shadows quiver in fright. She galloped as quick as she could towards her master, not wanting to find out how he would react to this news. She slowed to a trot as she entered the throne room. He was atop his throne, his hands curled into fists and an evil grimace on his face. It was no secret that Pitch Black was frustrated. Onyx bowed before her king, waiting for him to notice her. "What news do you bring me, Onyx?" Pitch said softly, but not in a soothing way. His tone was on the edge of being angry, but trying to conceal his nerves.

"I must warn you master," Onyx started, "this news will trouble you." Pitch rolled his eyes and stood up in one, swift movement. He strolled over to his favorite Nightmare and stroked her mane.

"Spare me the details and get it over with," he said. Onyx stood still, preparing for the rage of her master.

"I believe the Guardians are planning to go to each realm to restore them to their former glory. Angela is also with them," Onyx closed her eyes shut as she felt Pitch stop petting her. To her surprise, he started chuckling, then laughing until tears pricked the corner of his gold-silver eyes. "Master?" Onyx inquired.

"They can try to play the heroes," the Nightmare King grinned, "but they will never truly succeed. I have more power than the five of them combined! And Angela can only control one Nightmare. She will fail in trying to protect them. I will pursue them, but for now let us see what they are up to." Onyx widened her eyes at this.

"With all due respect master," Onyx said carefully, "shouldn't we stop them?"

"Not yet," Pitch smirked, "they'll be expecting an attack. We will lie in wait until they're off guard. That is when we'll strike. It'll be devastating." Onyx didn't like this plan, but she didn't dare speak out. He was still the king and she didn't want to disobey her master. Who knows, maybe this plan will work. Onyx sincerely hoped it did.


                                                                                     Angela's P.O.V.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now," North's deep voice whispered to me. I slowly cracked open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. I gasped loudly at the wonderful sight laid before me. I was standing in a room that looked like the heart of Christmas itself. Ice sculptures of various sizes and shapes were everywhere. A large Christmas tree full of decorations stood off in a corner of the room. A table cluttered with toys, ice sculptures, and tools stood in the middle of the room. Multiple shelves full of toys and sweets stood against the wall, making the room smell of gingerbread and peppermint. This was by far the most impressing room I've been in.

"Wow, this is...I'm speechless!" I let out a breathy laugh and spun around the room like I was a princess.

"You're lucky, mate," Bunny pointed at me, "no kid, besides Jack, has ever seen Santa's private workspace." I whipped around to face the man himself.

"So this is where all the ideas for the toys are made?" I asked excitedly. North smiled at me and nodded without a word. Without thinking, I ran up to him and hugged him as tightly as I could. North chuckled fondly and rubbed my back, which reminded me of my dad. "I can't believe I'm in Santa's workshop right now!" I said as I walked around examining various things. I stopped as my eyes fell upon a detailed ice sculpture of a doll. It looked almost alive, like it had the ability to get up and walk. "Am I allowed to pick this up?" I asked, not wanting to be rude.

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