Communication With Pitch

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                                                                                     General P.O.V

Pitch hissed in pain for the tenth time, "Be careful, Onyx!"

"Sorry, master but you must remember that I have hooves not hands." Onyx snorted indignantly. Onyx tied the bandage with her teeth and then licked her master's wound. Pitch looked at her curiously. Why did this Nightmare seem different than the rest? Why was she so caring towards him?
All the other Nightmares were like scavengers, they fed on the fear but cared for no one. They followed their master, but they were still wild. Onyx was like a loyal dog. Unlike the others, she seemed to have feelings and was the only friend he had. An idea suddenly struck him like a slap in the face. "Onyx, I just had a grand idea, but I'm not going to do it unless you want to."

Onyx perked her head up, surprised that Pitch had actually asked for her permission. "I'm flattered that you're thinking of me, master. What is your idea?"

"What you said before about not having hands made me realize something. The only form you can take is a horse. What would happen if you could take on different forms without me doing anything?"

Onyx snickered interestedly, "Hmm, go on."

"My powers have grown much stronger ever since I defeated the Guardians. So far, I have made Pegasi and bats, but what if I could make a human?" Pitch smiled and glanced at Onyx to see what her reaction was.

"What?!" Onyx neighed with horror, "Pitch, I don't understand. I don't know if that is even possible! Making a human form out of Nightmare sand is possible, but for it to actually respond like the real thing is difficult."

Pitch struggled to stand up and started pacing. "But that's why I want to try it. If I make black sand to have a mind of its own, think of all the battles we can win!"

Onyx frowned, "But sir, if you make sand that has a mind of its own then think of how easily it could betray you!"

Pitch rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He hadn't thought of that and that's why Onyx was his second in command. "I could start with a few experiments with a small amount of sand until I get it right. If I can perfect it, then I could win every single battle I have with the Guardians! I would be unstoppable!" Onyx sighed and sat down on her haunches. All she could do now was hope that this plan worked.

                                                                                   Angela's P.O.V

I filled the last cup with ice water and set it down on the counter. "Phew! All right, that was the easy part, now we have to bring all six cups downstairs." I turned towards Tooth with a smile. She chuckled and began carrying as much as possible. I did the same and began walking towards the door to the basement. That's when I heard the chilling sound of a Nightmare neighing. I ran to the window and looked outside. There was a single black horse standing in the middle of the street, calling its fellow Nightmares. I glanced at my watch, it read 9:35.

"Oh no, I wasn't paying attention to what time it was!"

"What's wrong?" Tooth asked with slight fear in her eyes.

"The Nightmares are here to check if everyone is in their houses! Now that Pitch knows I rescued you guys, they're probably going to come inside! We have to get downstairs now!" We both rushed to the door of the basement and ran downstairs. I made sure the door closed behind us. I didn't lock it, cause then the Nightmares will know where we are. Jack was standing up and leaning on the wall for support. "What's going on?" He instantly knew that something was wrong from the way we ran down here.

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