Part Ten: Let The Current Guide You

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Stiles' POV:

"... So now I'm majoring in Criminal Justice and Scott in veterinary medicine, we both study at Beacon Hills College," I explained to Selena as we both sat on the cold ground of our neighborhood and smoked our cigarettes. My dad would kill me if he saw me smoking.

"What about Lydia and Allison?"

"Lydia is the smartest among us, she and Allison decided to study Phycology."

"Great decision, maybe then they will get a chance to understand the mentalities of the maniacs in this town." She scoffed.

"You will be surprised to see how many maniacs live in this place." I agreed with a small laugh, "what about you? What do you study?"

"Well, I didn't get the chance to complete my education. Me, Malia, Isaac, and Lucas, none of us went to college. When we left the orphanage and bought the house, we did not have that much money so we all started working immediately after we graduated from high school. Later on, when Liam and Mason joined our family, we focused our efforts on getting them into continuing their education."

"Wow, that's amazing; the bond between you guys is amazing," I commented in impress.

"Yeah, this bond is what keeps me going, I really love how we all care and protect each other." 

"You know what? It's never late to go to college. I mean, if you want you can start now. You're 20 now, right?" I asked and she nodded.

"That seems like a nice idea. Maybe one day." She finished the sentence with a yawn, causing me to giggle.


"Yeah, so much, although the sleepiness flies away as soon as I lay on my bed." She replied, putting the pack of cigarettes back into her pocket.

"I'll drive you back home," I said but she shook her head.

"No need, I will just walk."

"Actually, I wasn't offering." I sighed, "You gotta stop being so stubborn, it's really getting into my nerves. I will drive you back home and that's final."

"Okay then." Surprisingly, she didn't argue back.

"Wow, glad you didn't- okay, forget it. Let's go." I got up and offered her my hand, helping her to stand up before we both walked to my jeep.

 After a short, silent journey we arrived at their house and I parked the car in front of their gate.

"Thank you for the ride, and for the good talk... Well, and for everything." Selena smiled at me.

"Anytime," I smiled back at her and looked at her eyes, they were filled with pain, filled with sadness. Even though she was smiling, it was totally obvious that this smile is not genuine, and this broke my heart. "So, do you still blame us-" I was about to say but she cut me off.

"Let's not discuss this, please." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "every time I think about this I feel like I have to kill you."

"Me? What did I do?" I asked in surprise.

"I mean anyone who might be responsible," she clarified, rubbing her face, "Stiles, ou have no idea how it feels to lose someone you love so much, to lose someone you know since you first opened your eyes to this world, someone who meant the world to you. You have no idea how it feels to wake up every day without the person you thought you'll never live a minute without."

"I know exactly what you're talking about, I know this feeling." She let out a sarcastic laugh as I said this.

"You know nothing," she snapped, "you have no idea."

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