Part Sixteen: Saving Lives

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Selena's POV:

"Is it supposed to take that long?" I asked in worry, glancing at the three 3 tubes next to us. It's been hours since Scott, Stiles, and Allison sank into the water and I was getting more nervous by the second. I heard no answer from Lydia and Isaac, which assured me that they too believe something was wrong.

God, are they dead? Did I kill Stiles?

I told that doctor that I'm not the right person to hold him under the water but he didn't listen to me! What if he didn't wake up? What if they all didn't wake up?

Isaac's heavy breathing next to me caught my attention so I turned to look at him. "Are you okay?" he closed his eyes when he heard my question and buried his face between his knees, which didn't help to silence his panting.

"Did you start feeling it?" Lydia asked and he hummed in approval.

"Feel what?" my looks shifted between them both, waiting for an explanation.

"Yes, but don't worry; I will manage to control it," ignoring my question, he lifted his head and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Feel and control what?" Again, I got no answer. Why it seems like that I'm talking to myself? "Lydia?" I focused my glare on Lydia, "What's wrong?"

"The full moon," she sighed, "in case no one told you before, werewolves get a little more aggressive during full moons. This means that they might attack any living thing, like me and you, that comes upon them unless they learn how to control it, which takes a lot of practice, by the way," her saying this made me remember when Scott and Stiles explained to us how did Boyd kill Lucas and what did he feel that night.

Yeah, they told me before, I just didn't pay attention. I guess I have to start taking notes so I won't forget all the new things I'm learning recently.

"Yeah, they mentioned something like that before," I shrugged and looked at Isaac in worry, noticing that all the veins in his body seemed to be popping out of his skin.

"So, if this... If this is true and actually going to happen, what can make him control it? I mean, what are we going to do?" the back door of the clinic opened, stopping Lydia from answering me. We all looked at the door as doctor Deaton stepped inside with manacles and a punch of other stuff in his hands similarto the ones used in horror movies, "I will take care of this," he stated while placing the stuff he brought on one of the tables.

"What is that?" the tone of fear was clear in my voice as I questioned. 

"This is what we use to help controlling werewolves during full moons,"

"Yeah, I concluded!" I snapped, my eyes growing wide, "You're not using these things on him," I stood in front of Isaac in a defensive position.

"These things are going to be the only thing preventing him from tearing us apart," he was speaking in an irritatingly calm tone while I was boiling in front of him, "It won't hurt him, trust me. In fact, you'll be glad we used them when you see what will happen,"

"Selena, don't worry," Isaac placed his hand over my shoulder and turned me to face him, "They're trying to help," How he's asking me not to be worried while he is going to be chained with these stuff? Is he aware that these things are used for torturing?

"Help? How is this supposed to help you? Isaac, these things are not used even on animals!" my stupid tears threatened to fall and my voice got shaky when I shouted, making me look like a child. I was about to complain further but the voice of the water splashing on the floor made us all turn around in shock, relief washing over me when I saw the three drowned humans gasping and sitting up consecutively in their tubes.

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