Part Seven: Invading The World of Supernaturals

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Selena's POV:






So many emotions were invading me as I searched crazily for the paper that had Melissa's home location on it through my stuff.

"This is my phone number and this is my home address," Melissa said as she wrote down the information on a piece of paper, "You can call or come at any time."

That's why she cared so much about me while I was in the hospital, she felt guilty because she knew that her son and his friends were the reason behind the death of my boyfriend.

I can't believe how stupid I was, I should've suspected something, I should've known, I still remember how nice Melissa was with me, she took good care of me and kept checking on me the whole night. There was also her son and his best friend, who came the second day and made sure I was alright before I leave the hospital.

At the funeral, they were all there, they all came to show their support and console me. Allison and Lydia, those two girls also attended the funeral and showed their support to me, they even gave me their numbers also in case I needed anything. What are they? Are they all supernatural creatures?

I thought they were all affected by what happened, I thought they really cared...

Was that all acting? Or they did this out of guilt?

How can they cause the death of someone and then come to his funeral as nothing happened?

What the hell is a werewolf? What is an Alpha?  What is this weird world they live in? How many supernatural species are there? Have we always been surrounded by these kinds of creatures? Is it even real?

I need answers, and I need them now.

"Where the hell is it?" I yelled in anger as I searched for the paper.

"Is everything okay?" Malia asked suspiciously, standing by the door of my room.

"Yes, yes, I'm just looking for something."

"May I help you with it?" she asked as she started walking in my direction, but before she gets close I found the paper and crumpled it in my hand so she doesn't see it.

"It's fine, I don't need it that much," I said nervously, running a hand through my disheveled hair, "I need to go out for a while, don't wait for me on lunch."

"You look terrible, are you okay?" she asked again, pressing the back of her hand on my forehead to check my temperature. 

"I'm fine, Malia! I just need to be alone for a while." I shrugged in annoyance and walked outside the room. Malia was alone in the house, Isaac was at work, Liam and Mason were at college. I hurried outside and checked the location on the paper I had in my hand before I started walking.

It took me about 30 minutes of walking to arrive at the location, my mind was about to explode out of thinking and I felt dizzy a little bit. I needed to gather my strength to confront them. I need to know what exactly happened that night, I deserve the truth, Lucas deserves the truth.

I rang the bell and waited for someone to answer, fixing my hair and my clothes to look as normal as I could. A few seconds later the door was opened, revealing Scott.

"Hello Scott," I greeted with a smile.

"Selena! Hi," he exclaimed surprisingly like seeing me was the last thing he expected, "What a surprise!"

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