Part Three: Building a Family

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A great relationship started forming in the orphanage between Lucas and  Selena; he played the role of the big brother with her since she came to the orphanage. Mary allowed Lucas to come to the infants' room to check on Selena every now and then. Days and weeks passed and the bond between the two was growing bigger by the time. 

Lucas didn't want to leave the orphanage because he enjoyed the new environment he found himself in, so whenever families visited the orphanage to adopt kids he treated them with rudeness and stupidity in order for them not to take him. He also asked Mary not to allow anyone to take Selena because he loves her so much. Mary, who felt so attached to Selena, made sure she doesn't get adopted; she tried always to hide her when parents come to check on the babies and distract them from her. 

Lucas was one of the most lovable kids in the orphanage because of the great personality he had. He acted advance of his age, taking care of everyone and helping them, he felt that he was responsible for others, especially Selena.

The caregivers in the place were so nice to the kids, especially with Lucas. With years passing, everyone was aware of the strong bond between Lucas and Selena, the two were inseparable. 

The sun was out today, 8 years old Lucas was in the orphanage's park with Selena, pushing her  on the swing, when he saw two social services employers walking inside the orphanage with a new kid. The kid looked so sad and he was limping as he walked, Lucas kept looking at him until he entered inside. 

"Lucas," Selena called, "what will happen when we grow up?"

"Why you're asking this question?" he smiled, returning the question to her.

"Just asking," she shrugged, "you know? I don't want us to be apart."

"And who said we will be?"

"Because I see families come here sometimes to adopt kids, I don't want them to take me away from you," she answered. Lucas stopped Selena's swing and stood in front of her.

"Listen, just act rude and stupid as I taught you in front of the families and they won't take you, this is the plan, remember?"

"I do that all the time, but what about when we grow up? The kids leave the orphanage when they become adults, I don't want this to happen." she pouted.

"Don't worry, I have a plan for this also," 

"And what is it?" Selena frowned.

"When we grow up we will leave this orphanage together, we will rent a house and I will get a job... and you can become a singer because you love singing so much," Lucas explained and Selena's eyes shined with happiness.

"I love this plan!" she exclaimed, "c'mon, push me again, but higher this time," she said and Lucas obeyed immediately. She started singing loudly as he pushed her higher and higher, feeling relieved after knowing that she will always have Lucas with her.

The new boy's name was Isaac, Isaac Lahey. He was taken by the social services from his father after several complaints made by the neighbors about hearing the father hitting his son. The father was taken to jail and the poor kid was taken to the orphanage. Isaac was limping as he walked with the social services inside the orphanage and there were marks of new bruises filling his face and body. His bags were taken inside to the boys' room and his name was registered in the list.

"Lucas, Lucas Piazon." Lucas introduced himself to Isaac in the afternoon, "and this is Selena, she has no family name but we call her Selena Gomez because the caregiver who found her by the door is called Mary Gomez."

"You can call me Sel," Selena, who was standing behind Lucas, waved shyly to the new visitor.

"Nice to meet you both," Isaac said in a steady voice, "My name is Isaac, just Isaac, call me Isaac."

"Okay, Isaac. If you need anything you can come and ask me, me and Selena are always around." Lucas said, acting like a big boy.

"Actually, I have a question, is... is there a basement here?" Isaac asked nervously.

"Yeah, there is, but it's locked and only the caregivers are allowed there," Lucas answered.

"Jasmine told me that the basement is full of rats, that's why we're not allowed there," Selena stated innocently.

"No, Sel, it's not filled with rats, don't listen to Jasmine. It's just a normal basement." Lucas comforted her.

"Our basement was filled with rats, and it was so scary." Isaac said in fear, "do they lock the kids in the basement?"

"No, they don't! no one locks kids in the basement, don't worry Isaac!" Lucas assured, sensing the fear and nervousness in Isaac's voice.

"My dad used to do this,"  Isaac mumbled in a low voice.

A few months later, another visitor caught the attention of Lucas and his group.

"My name is Malia, Malia Tate." the 7 years old girl said.

"My name is Lucas, this is Selena, and this is Isaac." Lucas introduced the group, "we always hang out together."

"We're sorry for what happened to your family," Selena said in a sad tone, referring to the accident they heard the caregivers talking about earlier. They described it as a terrible accident that took the life of Malia's parents and older sister. 

"It's okay," Malia said in pain, holding her tears. 

This wasn't the first time for Malia in this orphanage, she spent the first year of her life here before she was adopted by the Tate family. They were coming back home last month when their car flipped on the road and fell in a valley. Malia, who crawled outside the car when the accident happened, was found two days later in the woods. The police were shocked to see the girl alive after the terrible accident her family had, and they were even more shocked when they saw that she came out with only minor injuries.

"We're going to play in the park, would you like to join us?" Isaac offered and Malia nodded in approval. They all went to the park outside and started playing and talking.

Author's Note: I'm sure most of you don't know Lucas Piazon... Well, he's a footballer, you can see more pictures of him on google :)

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