Oliver Wood catch-up

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How you two hug-

When you ignore him- he lays on you and doesnt say too much until you feel better or tell him why you got upset

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When you ignore him- he lays on you and doesnt say too much until you feel better or tell him why you got upset.

What year you started dating- 5

What position you play in quidditch- you cheer your boyfriend on from the stands, getting looks when his house is going against your own.

Blood stats- Half blood

His fav. Physical feature of yours- He loves your hands. He loves holding them and comparing his to yours, he just find them so dainty and cute.

Favorite muggle movie- Lord of the Rings (series)

Who at hogwarts likes you- Harry

Your house- Ravenclaw

How many kids you have- Just one! You and Oliver originally didn't want kids, but after so many years of being together you decided you were ready for one little addition to the family.

When you get insecure- He hugs you really really right and gives you reassurance on whatever it is bothering you. He refuses to let you go until you start feeling better about yourself

When you stay with him- His parents were hesitant at first, but were incredibly sweet once they warmed up to you. You went to sleep early in his bed after cuddling for an hour or two and falling asleep on accident.

He meets your parents- He wasnt very nervous, more excited than anything. He took it very serious ans sentimental and really felt like it was a important milestone to the relationship. Your parents loved him and thought he was the absolute sweetest.

Your bestfriend- Luna

First "i love you"- It was after his final quidditch game of his 5th year, after about half a year of being together. He had done amazing and was overwhelmed with the support and his excitement you were showing him when he got off field. He pulled you in for a kiss and excitedly told you he loved you.

Favorite family member of his- His sister. She was never overbearing and was always very welcoming and friendly towards you. She made sure you know if Oliver went out of line she would always be on your side.

Glasses or braces- braces

Favorite shop- Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon Alley

"And now I'm covered in the colors"
Oliver and you always had a way of rubbing off on each other, both of you picked up small traits of each other and it brought you closer together. He just always had a contagious personality to you and it made you want to be more like him, even if you were perfectly okay with yourself.

Favorite Breakfast Club Character- Claire

Your favorite feature of his- his lips!!!

Your favorite pop artist- Harry Styles

Your least favorite class- Deviation

Who loves who more- He loves you more!

Favorite thing to do with each other- He loves to have you practice Quidditch with him.

Favorite Marauder- Lupin

What he does when you're sad- He tries to distract you by any means possible, telling you about the new tricks he's discovered for Quidditch, showering you in affection, anything.

Favorite place in Hogwarts- The dining hall

What he does when he's jealous- He doesn't get aggressive, only a bit insecure. He pulls you away from whatever is making him jealous and explains how he feels.

Hogwarts pet-

Battle of Hogwarts- You were both mortified and stayed together the entire time, trying to just runaway from noise

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Battle of Hogwarts- You were both mortified and stayed together the entire time, trying to just runaway from noise. He made you feel safe and helped you when you were scared. He told you everything was going to be okay and kissed you any chance he could.

What you steal from him- his t-shirts! even if they're big on you you still find them comfier than your own

Least favorite house- Slytherin

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