his fav. physical features about you

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Harry- Your cheekbones. Your cheekbones have always been a little high, this makes you look slightly intimidating. He always traces your cheeks softly before you two kiss.

Ron- Your hair. He loves the texture of it and the way it falls just below your chest. When you two cuddle at night, he runs his fingers through the ends of your hair.

Neville- Your hands. He loved how feminine and delicate they looked and how soft they were. He almost always has his fingers intertwined with yours.

Draco- Your eyes. He always made eye contact with you whenever you talked with him, just to look at them. You believe they are boring, but he loves them.

Fred- Your bum... Do I need to say more?

George- Your thighs. You never really liked your thighs, you've always thought they looked different from other peoples. George will rest his hand on your thigh when you two sit together.

Hermione- Your nose. She loved the shape of your nose and loves to kiss it any chance she gets. She also will poke it with her index finger and say "Boop." quietly. This makes you laugh... Obviously (yes that was a Snape reference)

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