when you stay with them.

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-Makes sure your comfortable in every way possible.
-planned the entire night
-before you go to sleep, he gets out like 5 covers to make sure your comfy and warm
-Helps you with some spells you have trouble with
-Gives you anything you want

-At first, he didn't want you to stay with him because he thought his home was embarrassing.
-You actually adored this home and felt very comfortable there.
-Fred and George teasing you SO much
-Molly is the sweetest, she loves you.
-Ginny and you talk about Ron, she says he's a dork, you say he's your dork

-He had to sneak you over, he was scared his grandparents wouldn't allow you there.
-You guys and to talk quietly, which was hard because Neville kept making you laugh.
-He cuddles you SO much
-It was amazing
-You had to leave early, and Neville woke up at 5 am to tell you good morning and to kiss you goodbye

-His mother allowed it, and you two cooked dinner together.
-You two spent the day at diagon ally, then went to the house to inspect the new quidditch things you bought.
- You were very impressed with his house.
- Although his parents told you to sleep in the guest bedroom, you went over to Draco's room at 1 am.

-since you two didn't tell her parents yet, you had to act like it was just a normal sleepover between two girls.
-Her house was filled with muggle things, it fascinated you.
- "What the hell is this?"
- "That's a telephone, Y/N"
- She lets you watch muggle movies and TV shows.

-He got frustrated because you two had no alone time.
- Ron kept subtly hitting on you, and Fred got angry.
- Didn't go as planned, but you still loved every minute of the night.
-George teasing you two sooooo much
-Molly and Arthur loves you

- George managed to pick a day when nobody else would be in the burrow.
-His family was traveling, but he wanted time with you.
-You spent about 4 days with him.
-He cuddles you 25/8 during that time
-he loves you so much, he actually cooked for you

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