what you steal from them

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Harry- You steal some of his quidditch gear. Not when he needs it, of course, only when you want to have a quick practice by yourself at the field. He doesn't mind it as long as it doesn't get too damaged.

Ron- You steal his jacket. He thinks it's adorable, so he doesn't mind it at all. Whenever you go to Hogsmeade you always cuddle up in it and he brings one for him as well.

Neville- You steal his scarf whenever your cold. He's perfectly okay with it because he thinks you look cute in it. You dont take it often, only when you dont have your own.

Draco- You steal his Slytherin tie. He usually has to help you tie it, but you like watching him concentrate on the knot. You two often swap ties every couple of weeks.

Hermione- You steal her notes/classwork. Although you are usually a really good student, there are times you fall behind and need hermiones help to catch up.  She doesn't mind as long as it helps you out.

Fred- You steal his hat/beanie. He has a few, so he doesn't mind that you borrow it here and there when you want to wear it.

George- His t-shirts. You think they look adorable on you, and so does George. However, he sometimes gets really frustrated if you dont return them and he has to battle you for them back.

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