favorite place in Hogwarts

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Harry- The common rooms late at night. It gave you two privacy and comfort, and it was always worth staying up for. The conversations in the common room were always your favorites.

Ron- The Quidditch field. You help Ron improve his skills at the game, even if you weren't the best player in the world. After practicing with him, he always gives you a kiss on the forehead and holds your hand on the way to the great hall for dinner.

Neville- The greenhouse. Neville loves showing off his passion for herbology, and you love listening to him. During your free period, you and Neville go to the greenhouse to look after all the plants for Professor Sprout.

Draco- The Dark Forest. While technically, its prohibited to travel into, you and Draco always find ways to sneak into the outer parts of the forest for some more privacy, something you can't get much of in Hogwarts.

Hermione- The library, of course. Because of Hermione's brilliant mind, you learn something new every day when she reads to you in the library.

Fred- The room of requirement. Anytime you two were in need of a private conversation, the room of requirement was always there. Its where you spent most of your time alone together.

George- The joke shop. You were always around to help the boys out, and the shop holds a lot of memories between you and George.

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