about the author

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Hello! So, while I'm researching different things and ideas for this book and others that I'm working on, I decided to tell you guys everything (Harry Potter related) about me.

House: Slytherin

Patrounus: Thystral

Hogwarts crush: Draco🖤

Wand: Hawthorn wood, 9 3/4 inches, Dragon heartstring core.

Blood stats: Pure blood

Favorite Character in general: Sirius

Favorite class: Potions

Quidditch position: Beater

Fav. From the golden trio: Ron

Favorite teacher: Trelawney

Favorite HP book: Prisoner of Azkaban

Favorite HP movie: Goblet of Fire

Favorite Female: Luna


I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I swear I will be updating this shortly! If you have any requests just send them to me :)

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