What he does when you're sad

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Harry- he gives you space but not enough to where you feel alone. He makes sure that you know he's there for you, but doesn't suffocate you.

Ron- He shows you affection. He hugs and cuddles you and let's you know he loves you. It usually works.

Neville- He tells you all the reasons he loves you. He starts with your personality and usually finishes with your appearance. It usually makes your eyes light up and puts a smile on your face.

Draco- He spoils you with items and food. Anything you ask for or he already knows you want, he'll go out and get.

Hermione- She reads you some of your favorite things. You usually lay down on her lap and she begins reading the classics, usually resulting in you falling asleep.

Fred- He lets you help with the pranks. He sends you on small missions that he'll know you'll enjoy.

George- He lets you toy around with the joke candy that they haven't put out yet. He usually keeps it under wraps for other people, but on some days he allows you to play with it.

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