favorite thing to do with each other

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Harry- Just talk about the past. He lets things off his chest about his troubled past, and he allows you to do the same. You both cherish these talks, knowing it grows you closer to each other.

Ron- You absolutely adored cuddling each other. Laying as close as physically possible while he mutters things that made him frustrated always put a smile on your face.  He would also complain about your hair being all over him, even though he secretly liked it.

Neville- You loved to watch movies with Neville. He always gave you useless information about the film, and you loved it. He always assumes you don't care, but when you bring it up later it proves you paid attention, making him realize you actually care about the things he says. 

Draco- As bad as it sounds, you love gossiping with Draco. He knows nearly everything that goes on inside of the castle walls and tells you everything you would want to know. You always get a good laugh out of it, and it brings the humor out of both of you.

Hermione- Studying. At first, she was worried that you would constantly distract her, but it turns out you're a pretty good study buddy. Anytime she would get a difficult question right, you reward her with a peck on the lips.

Fred- Roam the castle after hours. You aren't sure if its the stillness or the rush, but you loved sneaking with Fred. It was the only time you two were alone, and you got a thrill out of almost being caught. Sometimes you felt as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest.

George- Planning pranks. This was important to you because you knew not a lot of people were allowed to plan with Fred. You got to show off your real brains as well.

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