when they get jealous

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Harry- He loves to play the silent treatment to everyone, and only says little to you. You can definitely tell when Harry get jealous over another guy. You two usually talk things out in less then an hour, you usually just have to reassure him.  

Ron- He acts similar to Harry, except for he adds a lot of sly comments, and definitely does not hold his tongue. He will eventually realize that  he acted out of hand, and come to you apologizing over and over before acting very lovey. 

Neville- He acts really sad and self-deprecating. You start to feel really bad and tell him over and over that you want him and only him. 

Draco- Oh boy, he gets mad and very protective. Whoever made him jealous, he goes out of his way to make sure they know that your his. He knows that you love him, but times like this is when he doubts himself. 

Hermione- Honestly, doesn't get jealous really ever. She knows that what the two of you have could never be replaced with anyone, so she tends not to worry about. 

Fred- He, like Draco, gets very protective, but not worrying. He knows you love him, but he still doesn't like others hitting on you. 

George- He doesn't worry that much, but he still asks you questions concerning whether or not you still feel strongly about him. 

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