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Harry~ "Your only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope."
      "I can't help it, okay? Whenever I don't have it, I get thinking. I get thinking of my parents, and Sirus, and Voldemort. I'm sorry, okay? I love you." he pleaded. Harry recently got in trouble for coming to class high. You didn't care he was smoking, but because he was so careless.
      "Harry, I understand. But be more careful!" you warned.
      "I will y/n, I promise," he said before hugging you.

Ron~  "he's so devoid of color, he doesn't know what it means."
       "Ron, what's wrong? You seem so sad, I'm worried about you." you pleaded. He looked at you with his dull, beautiful eyes.
     "Lately, I haven't really been able to feel well, as a metaphor, color. Everything is just black and white," he mumbled. You instantly went by his side and hugged him tightly.
     "I love you so much, Ron. Please know that I'll be here no matter what," you said.

Neville~   "Your spilling like an overflowing sink."
       Tonight, Neville was acting rather strange. He kept telling you small details about himself, that you for the most part already knew. He kept fiddling with his hands and looking at the ground.  
       "What's wrong Neville? You've been acting weird all night," you say.
       "I-I'm just scared that one day you won't like me, or I'll get too annoying for you. I have to tell you things about me, maybe you'll find have them interesting," he admitted. You kissed his cheek lightly, then explained he was already interesting, and he didn't have to change a thing about him.

Draco~  "You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece."
       Draco has many flaws. He's not a perfect being and you knew that going into the relationship. He has millions of small things that set him off from other people and make others feel as if he's terrible. But to you, he was marvelous.
       Draco was raised wrongly when we were older, he realized all his wrongs and tried to make them right. You comforted Draco in his darkest times, and he was just human. You loved him, despite his flaws.

Hermione~ "But you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky"
      Before Hermione, you were mostly just sad. You thought nobody cared for you, and if you were to disappear then nobody would care or even notice. However, when she came into your life, everything changed after a while.
      She showed you that you were amazing in every way and that she loved you more than the stars love the moon. You became more and more confident with every little compliment Hermione offered. Eventually, you believed you were beautiful, all thanks to your amazing girlfriend.

Fred~ "I've only felt religion when I've lied with you."
      {Religion~ a particular system of faith and worship}
     Usually, you didn't really feel anything. You were just alive and well, but you were 100 percent okay with that. However, Fred made you feel... Important. When you two were together, everything felt at peace and calm.
       It is as if Fred was a holy place for you, somewhere to come when sad or when needed forgiveness. It was so satisfying to have Fred in your life.

George~  "You were red, and you liked me cause I was blue."
       It was no secret that you and George are two completely different people. You were usually somewhat serious and took school as a number one priority. Many people questioned George when you two began dating, asking why he dated someone so unlike himself.
      He then one day confessed to you that the reason he loved you so much was that you were so unlike him. He loved your personality and didn't want you to change for him.

A/N~ I tried to make these short, so I'm sorry if they seem kinda choppy :(. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE VIEWS BY THE WAY!!!

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