when you get insecure.

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-He says that your absolutely beautiful, and people are rubbish for telling you otherwise.
-Tells you he loves you, inside and out.
-Takes you out for a small date.
-Does anything to cheer you up.
- If you're in public, he says to strangers, "Look at my beautiful girlfriend!", which makes you happy.

-He doesn't exactly know what to do, he just comforts you the best he can.
-says he loves your body, then gets embarrassed.
-he kisses your cheeks and jawline
- makes small jokes to try and cheer you up.
-hugs you so much

-kind of gets angry because he thinks you're the prettiest girl on the planet.
- "Y/N, no offense, but are you blind?"
- He buys you candy
- for the rest of the day, he gives you small compliments to make sure you know he thinks your amazing.

- "You're trying to tell me that you don't see how incredibly attractive you are?"
- Tells you that no matter what you think, he loves you.
-takes you to Diagon Ally to spend a day with joy
-helps you with anything you need

- Points out her flaws to show you that she gets insecure as well.
-You tell her she's gorgeous and to shut her mouth, she says "now you know how it feels when you say you don't think you're beautiful!"
- You spend the night with her, and she does her best to make you happy.
-listens to happy music

- "Y/N, if you were ugly and unattractive, would we have had such a night last night?"
- He makes you blush evERYWHERE
- Points out every little thing he likes about you.
- "Your cheeks get a cute pink whenever we kiss, your dimples flash when you smile, your eyes draw me in like no other, your stomach is cute, okay? You're perfect to me."

- "Aw, cmon, you're amazing."
-He wraps his arms around you and tells you how beautiful you are.
-He takes you to the prank shop and you guys laugh all day.
-promises you can play pranks on Snape when school gets back in

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