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Miranda Baileys POV
"No shepherd" I don't even have to look up to see her bottom lip poking out forming into a pout "b-but Bailey I haven't been in an O.R. in weeks because teddy is so anxious about my hours just this once I just want to watch I don't even have to do any thing" I roll my eyes completely missing her eyes flicker behind me "please?".

"Hey Miranda Amelia" I see the smug look that crosses her face

but as she opens her mouth she's cut off making me grin "Shepherd could you scrub in we have a kid with a Tumor and I know you've done a surgery on someone with the same tumor he has" nodding eagerly Shepherd bounces off happily

"if she were a good wife she would've said no because teddy's gonna be watching over the surgery" Arizona says with a giggle making me spin around towards her "you bubbly blonde genius" I grab her shoulders and kiss her she hums into the kiss I can feel the dimpled smile about to pop out already and it did when we pulled away with a light blush.
I was smiling practically bouncing as I walked happy that my shift ended early today heading up to the daycare with a stupid grin on my face and I could care less "ma ma!" My grin gets wider as my arms swoop down and pick up Kaiya she giggles fist curling into my shirt.

Teddy's POV
I sigh leaning back into the chair as I watch Arizona walk in to the O.R. she waved up at me looking smug and I see why as I growl seeing Amelia but I lean back with a whimper as I look down to see that my water broke i immediately press the button the the speaker in the O.R. "H-Hey Amy m-my water broke.." both heads immediately snap up towards me and I give a nervous but pained smile as Arizona rushes Amelia out of the O.R.


I squeeze my eyes shut tightly with a whimper I open my eyes when I feel a hand in mine Amelia has the focusedly confident look she gets when we're having sex or she's trying to convince Ace to go to bed.

I huff watching the panic running across my wife's face then I squeeze my eyes shut with a whimper "you need to push now" and my head shakes "n-no I...I can't I..." I feel a pair of lips press to my forehead before she speaks

"Teds babe you got this push now add another later" she finishes with a chuckle and my hand squeezes hers making her groan in pain satisfied I push with a yell.

There was cooing when I woke up and I saw Amelia and ace with matching grin on their faces i silently sit up with a groan and both turn to me "mommy!" ace jumps on the bed and hugs me "hey hun" I glance up at Amelia who was looking at us still holding the baby.

I look at the baby girl in my arms looking like Amelias double and I smile "mommy what's her name?" Aces curious voice sounds in the room "Riley Drew Shepherd" I say quietly with a wider smile as Amelia sits on the edge of the bed hand in my leg.

My heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora