First day back

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Arizona's POV
I've...No we've done this before but I don't wanna leave her "I don't wanna go though" I say on the verge of tears her arm tugs me away "me neither but we gotta get to work" she says softly I just nod wiping the corners of my eyes and lacing our fingers together.

Can't get my babygirl off my mind but working with kids and seeing other parents happy makes me feel the joy in my heart walking into the cafeteria and getting only an apple was weird for Alex April Teddy and Everyone else "you good blondie" sighing "yes mark I just wasn't so hungry" I said as I took his fries "ok just checking" he chuckled patting his arm smiling "I know".

Walking through the halls looking for an intern what was her name again Anna Viewers or was it Vowers I dunno I felt myself stumble back oh no "S-Sorry" embarrassment written all Over my face what is wrong with me she stood up "It's completely ok Dr.Robbins" was it me or was she to close.

Her hands went to my neck and she leaned forward I backed up I was against the wall and I heard footsteps I tried to move but my mind was so hazy I didn't know what was happening "s-stop" she just grinned I heard a voice clear itself
Looking over I saw Miranda a disappointing look "Look you got work to do if you wanna keep this Job" she barked out.

The intern scurried off Miranda went the opposite way "hey Chief Bailey where ya g-going" she turned around "I gotta surgery" she says with a small smile "oh ok" I said sadly not meaning for her to hear it in my words she turned and walked back towards me and pulled me into a kiss "better Now Robbins keep yourself outta trouble" she mumbled before kissing me again.

Home Time
By the end if the day I was back with my family Tucker loves me and his baby sister Sofia loves her to and they wanted to stay with us so who where we to say no walking into the house and seeing Miranda in the kitchen the kids in the living room I made my way to the room changing Into some sweats and a hoodie.

Wrapping my hands around Miranda's waist and kissing her cheek "hey baby" she leans back "hey" I kissed her lips
As we pulled back Sofia came running into the kitchen "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy your here" I smiled picking up a giggling daughter "Sofia, Sofia, Sofia I'm home" I kissed her forehead as we walked into the living room I put her down on the couch and exchanging her for my newborn daughter.

"Hey babygirl" she giggled and puts her head on my chest "hey AZ" looking over at tuck I smiled "hey buddy" I said putting my hands up for a high five first day back is great a little messy but great.

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