Happily ever after

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It was the phone call that woke me up and had me rushing out of the house in only some sweats and a T-shirt throwing a gray hoodie over it leaving a hasty note to Miranda I looked in the mirror of my car and I looked just wow my hair was a mess and I have on some slippers.

"What happened!?" I question Meredith and Amelia "She fell apparently but that's not why she's here there's a tumor in her brain and when she fell it pressed down and her eyesight is hurting j and out mostly out but it might send her into shock from the previous head injury" I nod hand going through my tangled hair "We called Charlie and she didn't answer could you" I nod once again.

"Hey Sara...yeah i know what time it is but could you please get Charlie here....no no to the hospital...okay thanks...bye.." that was twenty minutes ago I then see Charlie walk in looking just like I do tired and worried "What In the bloody hell happened" I sigh giving the short version of what I was told she sat down beside me sliding down slightly with a huff "dammit".

"Is anyone sitting here" I look up to see two women who remind me of the photo mom gave me and Charlie "no go ahead and sit" they smiled at me the dirty blonde sending me a sad dimpled smile identical to mine and moms and the other with a small grin the same one Charlie gave me before she sat down "I'm joy and this is my wife Hayden Quinn do you know anything about Ana Quinn?" I give a bright smile "Yes actually she's my mom I'm Arizona and this is Charlie" their eyes widen before they pull out a picture.

"We have some great news for you guys she's fine she should get some sleep and she might be feeling dizzy when she stands but it will be quick to go away" me and Charlie smile relief filling our voices as we answer at the same time "Thanks Amy and Mer" once they gave us the room number we rushed to it "Mom!" we launched off towards her she groans but doesn't complain at the hug.

"Oh Uhm we found some people you might want to meet" the two stepped forward she glanced between us and we grinned "Mama meet Our grandparents!" She smiled tearfully "эй, малыш"
"мама, мама, ты здесь" this was the first time we heard mom speak Russian but we understood her clearly.
I smiled tears in my eyes as I hug my lost mother's who are freely crying with wide smiles I was happy to be getting out of this damn hospital and I look over my moms shoulder to granny daughters and pull them into the hug.

It had been hours since we arrived back at Arizona's but it seems every one of her friends were there at only eight in the morning cooking breakfast and she had joined in along with Charlie all while I got to play with my grandkids.

"Foods ready" I saw the grin that covered their faces when everyone scrambled into the kitchen picking up plates and standing in line pushing and shoving occasionally as they get food and find a place back in the living room.

Everyone is smiling and laughing in their pajamas eating breakfast as the sun shone through it was loud but it wasn't bothering anyone there was about twenty conversations going around as they talked about family their outside of work lives or whatever was on tv but they clearly made sure to steer clear of work conversations and I grin I had my family back and a new one in the much of it.

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