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Amelias POV
I sigh flopping back into my sons bed "Ace you can either wear your black or blue ones and why are you so set on which looks better?" he shrugs his blond hair scattered around his eyes I pat the bed beside me for him to sit and brush his hair out of his face "why does it matter?" he shuffles his feet on the floor mumbling "Kyi likes black and blue and I only have these two pairs of shoes with the colors" I chuckle "wear the blue ones buddy they match your outfit and next time you can wear the black ones okay?" He just nods.

So today me arizona and charlie planned a play date for Kaiya Kyi Josh and Ace and if you don't already know Josh was one of Arizona's patients and they met a few months ago and the kids hit it off so we thought it'd be nice for them to have a play date "Ace you forgot your coat!" I hear teddy yell from upstairs he darts back upstairs in a minute and comes back down in his fall coat "ready?" With a nod he tightens his grip on his bag full of snacks toys and a spare change of clothes.

"Ari Charlie!" I say excitedly as Ace dose the same to the kids "how's it going?" I watch as the kids bound over to the playground in Charlie's backyard "those two have been impatiently waiting for Ace because Zona wouldn't let 'em play till lil mate got 'ere" I look over at Arizona as I'm handed a cup of coffee she chuckles sheepishly "didn't want them to tire themselves out just yet".

"Wait am I ordering Pizza or Chinese? You two are confusing me" I say looking between the two sisters Charlie looks at Arizona before speaking "Get pizza for her  and the kids Chinese is for you and me" Arizona nods so I nod "okay see how hard was that" and what comes next from both is 'Very hard' "Okay I'll call in one of you go set the movie up and the other well watch the kids out back, got it?" They nod.

Charlie's POV
I grin at Arizona as she turns to go start the movie after shooting me a lopsided grin herself "Mama! Mama! Come play!" I nod it doesn't take long before I'm playing hide and seek with them me and Kaiya hiding behind the tree the toddler on my shoulders her hands tangled in my hair she lets go when the wind blows to catch a leaf and that that's how they find us covered in leaves Kaiya squealing with joy as she plays in the leaves and it doesn't take long before we're all playing in leaves.

"Charlie!" I look up to see Amelia and Arizona standing above me with similar scolding faces I chuckle nervously "yeah...?" "Okay kids you leave gonna need baths so...Bath Time!" Arizona says the last part happily even though the kids all pout.

"You had to get them dirty didn't you!" I shrug as Amelia puts the bow clean kiss on the couch "wasn't even my idea mate your little joy loves leaves so it was her who made bath time possible" I say grinning with a roll of the eyes I'm pulled into the living room with everyone else.

I glance at the three in the pillow fort as she grin at the tv playing The good dinosaur and Amelia and Arizona seem pleased with the quietness me not so much I was practically their human pillow anytime they moved it would never be to a pillow or the blankets that were under us only me and until I go at least one beer in I wasn't going to be ok with human pillow.

I gently remove myself from under the kids and replace it with pillows and took a dinosaur blanket and pulled it over them before walking into the kitchen where Amelia and Arizona are talking I yawn stretching "M' going to bed" I say as the two nod I collapse into a bed face first sighing sleepily as I hear a chuckle behind me as the door is shut softly I knew who it was with Amelia trailing behind her but who cares they're dealing with grumpy children in the morning.

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