Can't judge Love

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Arizona's POV
I was called in early for trauma I had a child who was in a crash with a bus a jail bus and the mom was hit badly the child says her other mommy would have came home on that bus she has tattoos every where but look her momma is seriously injured.

Kyi was doing fine with her mom Charlie Tomaz she's been here ever since her wife Zari Tomaz got rushed into emergency surgery earlier today she's laying on the bed with her sleeping daughter curled into her the good thing is that the baby boy was not hurt I'm just going down now to see him his name is Xenon  who is two months.

I get there to a screaming baby and an emotional Alex tryna calm him down "hey what is...uh this" to his situation "oh I came down here because one of the nurses called me in for an emergency and this was it they said they couldn't Paige you because you where dealing with family" my eyes widened I never told them that Charlie is indeed a half sister "yeah Charlie she's my sister" he looked flabbergasted I outstretched my hands for the baby he laid him in my hands.

"Hey buddy it's me aunty zona" I said as Alex headed for the nearest on call room I sat down in the rocking chair with a quiet weary baby boy who had a slight smile as he slept.

It's been about 15 minutes and Charlie is in the door smiling as I looked up "hey" "hi you ok" she nodded I put Xe in the little crib that they just put in here with more a few weeks ago "they said that she might have a 40 percent chance that she'll wake up b-but that m-means" I hugged her as she cried "yeah I know still a 60 percent chance she won't wake up you know your wife is a fighter did you call Sara and Ava" she nodded.

Charlie's POV
Sara and Ava had just came through a portal as soon as me and Ari pulled back she smiled at Sara and Ava "hey" they say "hi" me and Arizona say in unison  we sit in kyi's room as Arizona is getting April to watch over Xe she came in minutes later.

Hours later
Ava is sleeping curling into Sara on one of the couches while I'm on the other one and Ari is on the bed because Kyi had a nightmare and she knows how to calm her and ended up falling asleep I drift off occasionally.

Zari is still in surgery and I'm having a hard time dealing with it and that's a problem because this dream is not good I'm currently standing above Zari's grave and it says wife hero and mother death date is January first she died while I was talking to her and now she's been dead for 10 years and kyi is 12 and Xenon is 10 I'm depressed I retired from being a legend and caved in and Zari got stabbed by a nurse while I was talking to her I cried.

I woke up to Arizona at my side she wiped the tears and pulled me to the bed as my daughter tucked into me and Arizona left kisses on everyone's heads and was out the door to be back in 20 minutes.

"Hey I have some good news" I sat up and so did the couch couples "what is it you murdered Nate" i said with a slight grin as Ava and Arizona's laughter filled the room and Sara threw a pillow with a silly grin "no maybe but no Zari is stable and will be held for two more weeks and has a 98 percent chance of waking so that leaves a 2 percent chance of not waking up" we smiled as she said something else "and Kyi is going to be watched over night because the crash messed her head up it revealed a tumor in her Brain that is small and can be removed by Amelia because I can't but I'll be in the operation room with her.

I nodded with her already having trouble with her word pronouncing and not understanding lots of things it's already hard and let's not forget her heart it's not doing so good and she hasn't had her surgery for her new one.

The next day
A nurse is trying to kick me out because she doesn't believe I'm her mom "you can call Dr.Robbins she can tell you" I yelled as the elevator opens my daughter is crying for me and I can't get in there "thats what they all say" Arizona walked over "what is this" she asked a little annoyance leaking "she c-claims she's Kyi's mom" she sighed frustratedly "she is now let my sister back in the room with my niece" the nurse gulped and moved "and the next time this happens you'll be out of a damn job don't judge the love or the family".

"Thanks" she smiles "hey that's what family is for ya know she patted my back and kissed kyi's forehead who giggled through tears "Miranda said you can go see her she's awake" I smiled as I put Kyi on the bed "and I promise I'll be there the whole time"I nodded.

Miranda's POV hours later
This surgery that Amelia is doing has been hard I have Charlie beside me and I can see the fear because they now have to remove a butterfly tumor Arizona is down there with pitching in occasionally.

Almost done and it goes down he was about to close when the lights went out and Charlie and me ran into the operating room "you stay Robbins come on" she nodded as she followed shaking I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the control room and hit every single button until the last one flipped the lights back on and we raced back.

Finally it's over where all in Kyi's room she's sleeping and she should be out by Tuesday morning with two days to spare I waltz back to my office I didn't know that Arizona was following me until she hugged me from behind and turned me around and leaned in for a kiss "hey" she whispered "hi" I mumbled as she pulled back and looked at me "c'mon we gotta get you home" I just nodded.

Where home and I'm not going back because they'll kick me out but I had to be there and since maternity leave has stared me in the face these past days I think I'll let it in.

I laid in the bed curling into Arizona my head under her chin "I love you manda"
She placed a kiss to my head "love you to Zona" I let sleep over take me as I'd be going into the hospital as a guest and not a doctor on Tuesday to see the Tomaz family and Zari is being released Sunday and I'll be sleeping until next time Tomaz family but Arizona did say she had a sister
I never thought I'd meet her this way and they'll be staying with us until they find a new house here in Seattle.

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