Completly out of it

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Miranda's POV
"Hands off! I can walk Karev"
He grumbled but didn't remove his hands from my shoulder as her made me sit in a chair behind the nurses station "stay here or I'm paging Robbins" it was a warning that I rolled my eyes to as he was walking away so I pulled my phone out to do what exactly I don't know.

I huff out a cough as Karev takes my temperature "Miranda you are getting sick" I shake my head in rejection he sighs "Let's see runny nose coughing and let me not forget sneezing" "Dramatic..." I mummer "hey you page Robbins" the nurse nods as I glare at Kerev.

She struts out of the elevator with Kaiya in her arms who has her thumb in her mouth and head on Arizona's chest blue eyes land on me I manage a small smile before I dissolve into a coughing fit realization flashes in her eyes as she smiles at kerev and nods he walk away a small smile on his face she holds her free hand to me I take it a tired smile sporting my features.

Next Day No ones POV
Usually on days off Arizona wouldn't be up before eight but here she is walking through the pharmacy for some ibuprofen and a thermometer for Miranda who she really thinks has the flu now and it's only been a night but all of her symptoms do add up it's not just a cold so the blonde reminds herself to go to the grocery store while she's out.

She's hungry yes but even thinking about eating makes her sick the surgeon groaned in pain as her head pounded and stomach flips in a moment of frustration she pushed herself to her feet in hopes of going to the kitchen only to be met with nausea washing over her she quickly darted towards the bathroom instead.

"Randa! I'm home" no answer from Miranda that she can hear but she does hear a coo come from her daughters room "looks like she's up...Miranda?" On her way to Kaiyas room she stops at her and Miranda's only to find the woman snoring away she keeps going towards Kaiyas room she can hear the babbling and shuffling from her stuff toy when she walks in.

You can tell that the little tot just woke up at her switching moods from bubbly to just looking uninterested she at the sight of her momma she brightens up as she makes grabby hands at the blonde who happily picks her up kissing her cheek smiling "You think we should get you a bath first or breakfast hmm?" The words makes the baby's stomach grumble which makes them both giggle "breakfasting it is".

At the smell of bacon Miranda groans it makes her realize she was hungrier that she usually would be with a groan she sits up
it makes the room spin a bit and her head pound again but she catches a glimpse of a water and ibuprofen she takes it immediately and stumbles into the bathroom to shower.

"Look who's up have a nice shower?" the shorter woman nods as she's handed a plate it's not a lot on it but it's enough with a glance Miranda catches her daughter shoving a pancake into her mouth like a chipmunk it was cute and she grinned behind her she heard a chuckle "that's the third time."

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