"Well its now or never i guess"

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So louis' pregnant!! I'm so happy. I'm sorry I love pregnant louis. How cute would it be in reality if louis could have kids. I bet he'd be like 'harru stop asking to have children already. Just because I can doesn't mean we need to populate the entire world' aha😂I'm sorry I'm awful. Carry on reading and forget that yeah..lets do that.

Love you all😘nattie💕

(Harrys pov)

Groups chat with: Niall Horan. Louis Tomlinson. Zayn Malik. Liam Payne.

Harry: so hey guys.
Louis: me and Harry have something to tell you but we need to see you all to do it.
Niall: oooo I wanna know!!👏
Liam: niall calm down babe.
Zayn: what have you done this time tommo?? Harry didn't break your leg again did he??😂
Louis: no Zayn luckily.
Harry:it was an accident!!😒😩
Louis: whatever you say babe😉
Liam: anyway so you want us to come round??
Harry: yeah, it's 12:30 now so come in about an hour.
Zayn: can I bring Perrie??
Liam: me and Niall will see you later.
Louis: ok bye you pair and yeah Zayn anytime. Bye guys.

"Right boo that's sorted. Ready to tell them??" I asked sensing that he was nervous.
"Well it's now or never I guess" he said with a shrug.

I pulled him into my lap.
"Baby it's gonna be ok you know" I said.
"But what if they think I'm weird like Nick did and beat me up??" Tears were filling in his eyes. I kissed his lips to calm him.
"The will love you all the same"
"I hope your right" he said.
"I always am" I smirked with a wink.
"Don't get cheeky mr"
"Can't help it. Anyway you said you were gonna call your mum??" I reminded him.
"Oh yeah. I'm gonna tell we the news" he said suddenly remembering.
"I'm gonna call my mum to".

(Harrys call to his mum)

"Hey mum"
"Hello love, I miss you so much"
"I miss you to mum"
"How long until I can see you baby"
"I'm not a baby anymore. But soon hopefully. Actually I rang to tell you something."
"Oo what is it honey??"
"Well you know louis I've been telling you about??"
"Yeah how could I not you talk about him all the time"
"Well a while back I found out he was a carrier"
"Wow. That's fantastic...wait are you going to say what I think you are??"
"We're having a baby mum"
"I'm so happy for you both!!...I'm going to be a grandma!!"
"You sure are mum"
"I mean you could have waited a little longer, it's a big responsibility..."
"I know mum we've thought it through. It was kinda planned. I've always wanted kids mum"
"I know love. As long as your happy I'm happy"
"Thank you mum. I've got to go. Speak soon love you"
"Love you to honey bye"

(Louis' call to his mum)

"Hello love how are you doing??"
"I'm alright how are you??"
"I'm very well. I'm glad you've called I miss you. Harry seems to be taking your time"
"Aha Yeah you could say that"
"Is there something you need to tell me??"
"How did you..."
"I'm your mum I know these things"
"Well year actually. So me and harry...were havin a baby"
"Boo bear!! I can't believe this"
"Are you happy??"
"Oh course I am!! I mean it's a little soon, you haven't been together for all that long..."
"But he's the one mum. I know he is. I love him"
"I know you do honey. I'm so happy for you. Oh my...I'm gonna be a grandma!!"
"Yes your are mum, I've got to go so I love you"
"I love you too baby bye"

(Back to Harrys pov).

Everyone's just arrived and are all sitting around our living room. I can't wait to tell them. I know they'll be happy for us.

"So can you tell us now?!" Niall pleaded. the room filled with laughter.
"Ever since you told us that you needed to tell us something he's not stopped talking about it"
"Well wait no longer" I said with a smirk.
"You ready lou..."
"Me and Harry...we're having a baby..." He said and closed his eyes. The room erupted with cheers.
"Y-your fine with this??"
Zayn was the first to speak up,
"Of course we are"
"I mean I thought you were getting married or moving or something but a baby?! I'm so happy" he said tackling both me and Louis in a hug. I saw louis tense up.
"Ni you can't do that anymore. There's a baby in him" I said and Niall's eye widened.
"I'm so sorry lou!! Are you ok?! Did I hurt you?!" He asked shocked.
"No I'm ok" louis assured him.

"Lou, we are gonna go baby shopping and everything!!" Perrie said clapping her hands.
"Of course Perrie!!" Louis said joinin in.

Perrie and louis ha become close friends. There so alike it's amazing. There like brother and sister.

And my life is finally coming together. With a new chapter in our book.

This chapter is one of my favourites. I'm sorry I love it. ignore me.

Love you all😘nattie💕

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