"Your perfect for me"

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This is a long chapter!! Woo and we find out the twins gender in this...and very early chapter.😘💕

(Louis' pov)
(4 months pregnant)

It's been 2 weeks since the thing happened. 2 weeks full of loneliness. 2 weeks full of crying. And 2 weeks of regret.

I should have believed Harry. As soon as niall told me Harry had pinned Nick up to punch him but Nick kissed him I felt my whole world crumble. I didn't believe Harry. And now I've lost him.

I don't deserve him. He deserves a caring boyfriend who stands by him through everything. who doesn't make his life hell. Who doesn't complain. I just love him so much.

I've thought about going back so many times but he probably hates me. I hate myself. Who the hell believes there bully over there boyfriend?? Me because I'm a dick.

I just miss him so much. I mean I've seen him in music class a few times but I can't take him leavin me so I haven't spoken to him. Every night I still get a text sayin goodnight and I love you from him but he's probably just trying to make me feel better, he hates me I haut know it.

I don't know what to do with myself anymore. So I turned to my music. I spilled all of my emotions into songs. I wrote one call right now,

Lights go down, and the night is calling to me, yeah.
I hear voices singing songs in the street

And I know that we won't be going home for so long, for so long.
But I know that I won't be on my own, yeah.

I love this feeling that right now
I wish you were here with me
Cause right now
Everything is new to me.
You know I can't fight the feeling.
And every night I feel it.
Right now
I wish you were here with me.

Late night spaces with all our friends, you and me, yeah.
Love these faces just like how it used to be.

And we won't be going home for so long, for so long.
But I know, I won't be on my own, on my own.

I'm feeling like right now
I wish you were here with me
Cause right now
Everything is new to me.
You know I can't fight the feeling.
And every night I feel it.
Right now
I wish you were here with me.

And I could do this forever.
Whoa, whoa.
And let's go crazy together.
Whoa, whoa.

Lights go down and I hear you calling to me, yeah.

Right now
I wish you were here with me
Cause right now
Everything is new to me.
You know I can't fight the feeling.
And every night I feel it.
Right now
I wish you were here with me.

I sighed to myself and put my song book away in my bag and put my shoes on. Today was my 4 month scan. The scan I find out the genders. I really wanted Harry to come but I doubt he'd want to see me.

I wrote out a message quickly,

To: Hazzy💕
Hi haz...I've got my scan today, and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come. You don't have to because I totally understand. I don't deserve you. I know you didn't kiss Nick. I just haven't had the courage to speak to you because you'd hate me. If this is the end....i love you.

Louis x

I quickly pressed the send button before I could change my mind. I sighed once I'd sent it. I got up from the spare room bed and was met by liam and Niall making out on the sofa.
"Uh.." I said not knowing what to do. They quickly broke away by the sound.
"I-im going to my scan" I said.
"Is Harry going with you??" Liam asked.
"I've text him but I don't know. I don't blame him if he doesn't. He probably hates me" I said letting a tear fall. Niall was quick to jump up and hug me.
"He loves you lou" he said looking me in the eyes.
"I don't know. I've got to go or I'll be late" I said walking towards to door.
"Bye". I said.

Just as I shut the door my phone buzzed in my pocket.

From: Hazzy💕

Lou, I would never hate you. It's not your fault. Nick is to blame for this not you. I love you louis Tomlinson. I could never, never hate you. I'm on my way to doctors now do you want me to pick you up??

Haz x

He doesn't hate me?? But why?? I mean yeah it's nicks fault but I didn't believe him. I'm so confused. I quickly typed out another text.

To: Hazzy💕

Only if you want to?? I'm at the bottom of the dorms.

Lou x

I looked up from my phone to see Harry standing next to his car. We stared at eachother for a minute or two, before he opened his arms and said,
"Come here boo" that's all it took for me to run into his arms and melt to his touch.
"I've missed you so much" I said crying into his shirt.
"I love you boo. I could never hate you, why would you think that??" He asked looking me in the eyes.
"B-because I didn't b-believe you. I don't deserve you. You n-need someone who's there f-for you and doesn't complain a-and you can t-trust a-and-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on my own. I melted into the kiss.
"Your perfect for me" he said holding me close.
"I'm sorry hazzy" I said kissing him again.
"Come on then. Let's go see theses pair" he said putting his hand on my stomach.

(At the doctors)

I'd just had my blood test, and now I had the blue jel on my stomach with the wand moving around.
"Your babies are healthy and fine. Would you like the know the genders??" Dr Clara. I looked at Harry and he nodded with a smile.
"Yeah we do please" she moved the wan around a little more.
"Well louis and Harry, your having a baby boy...and girl" she said cheering.
"Baby boy and girl haz" I said with tears in my eyes.
"This is perfect boo. I love you and the twins so much"
"We love you too" I said kissin his lisp as Dr Clara printed the photos off.

A boy and girl!! Woo. Twins. I'm so happy!! And long chapter.

Love you all😘nattie💕

We found love in the lyrics...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ